"What do you mean?" said Li lin'er, with a stiff expression

"You want to say that you can go. When the time comes, there will be your name in the house of King Xiao, even if it's full of copying." Xiao Yilin looks at Li lin'er with a little indifference.

If she wants to say it, she'll go and say it. It's a big deal. The house of King Xiao is destroyed in her hands.

Li lin'er was stunned on the spot and didn't seem to think about it.

Seeing Li lin'er's stupefied appearance, Xiao Yilin sneered and said: "if it's OK, I will go first. As for this courtyard You'd better stay well. "

Xiao Yilin turns around and leaves without a trace of emotion, which makes Lilin soft to the ground.

She thought that she had grasped Xiao Yilin's handle, but they didn't care. He was right. If this matter is serious, she will die, and may be involved in her family.

So if she really wanted to say it, she would not dare to do it at all.

Xiao Yilin went back to the study with a calm face, pushed the door in and saw his dark guard leader standing inside.

Seeing him, Xiao Yilin's ugly face became excited: "did Xiao find anything?"

"It's the master. I found some. The old man who used to raise the general's wife was the embroideress in the palace. But later he died of old age. The clue was interrupted because of this. It would take a lot of time to continue to search." Xiao Yi tells Xiao Yilin the smile he has investigated.

Xiao Yilin frowns, the old embroiderer in the palace?

"Keep investigating, and be sure to investigate everything as quickly as possible." Xiao Yilin thought in a deep voice and said sternly.

Xiao said, then hesitated for a moment, and once again said, "and also found out that the difference between the birthdays of the general's wife and the princess's was just less than one hour."

Xiao Yilin frowns and takes a look at Xiao. What does he mean?

Just want to ask, Xiao Yilin suddenly thought of the birthmark after Ning Mengyao. His face changed and his brow was tightly wrinkled. Ning Mengyao is a child of the Xiao family. There is no doubt about this, but why does she stay out?

"Go and find out if there is no woman out there, or if there is a princess out there. Two things are going on at the same time." Xiao Yilin thought about it and asked directly.

"It's the master."

As soon as Xiao went out, Xiao Yilin frowned tightly and his face was ugly. He had never heard of a princess living in exile. Did he

The thought in his mind was suppressed by him at the moment when he got up. It should not be possible. Maybe he thought more.

In lingwuhou's mansion, Xiao Zixuan looked at the doctor kneeling on the ground, and her face was gloomy: "what do you say? There's no way to save it? If there's something wrong with the young master, your head is in the charge of our county. "

After taking the child back to her yard, Xiao Zixuan asked for a doctor, but it was of no use. Each doctor said that it took a long time. The child was still young, and it was more difficult for him to get better when he was sick than when he went to the heaven. The child had no way to use too heavy medicine. The medicine was too heavy, so there was bound to be a problem.

"Please, princess."

"Spare your life? If you want to live, cure the children for the county Xiao Zixuan clenched her hands and said gloomily.

All the doctors looked at each other and saw the color of helplessness in the eyes of each other. Today they are afraid that they are finished.

When Lingluo heard the news, she quickly put down all the things in her hands and went to Xiao Zixuan's yard.

"How is the child?" For her first child, Lingluo still likes it very much. Now she can't help frowning when she sees the lovely child lying on the bed without any life.

"How is it? It's dying. " Xiao Zixuan said gloomily.

All blame her mother-in-law. If it wasn't for her, how could her children become like this.

Lingluo turned to look at the

"how is it going?"

"My young master has a high fever for a long time. It can't go down. Even if it is cured, there may be problems."

After burning for such a long time, my brain must have burned out.