Qiao Tianchang dotes on Ning Mengyao, who is in a trance. He reaches out and holds her hand. He knows that Ning Mengyao is actually very kind and soft hearted. If they had not passed this time, she would not have done such a thing.

"I'll stand by you whatever you want to do." Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao.

No matter what her decision is, he will support her.

Ningmengyao smiled and nodded: "let brother-in-law they don't want to continue to suppress the two families, but let them let out words. Whoever cooperates with them is against tongbaozhai."

Joe Tianchang's forehead fell with a drop of cold sweat. He wanted to ask, what's the difference between this and pressure?

Although tongbaozhai said that he would not suppress them, he let out such words, which is more cruel than suppressing them.

Who dares to cooperate with the two families after this? Isn't this the old birthday star hanging for death?

Ning Mengyao glanced at Qiao Tianchang, and a faint smile blocked her face: "I don't pursue it, it doesn't mean it hasn't happened, so they still have to pay some price."

There is a price to pay for doing something wrong, although it is a little high.

Joe Tianchang suddenly smiled, "yes, you should pay for doing something wrong."

"Since you are not going to investigate, what do you want to do later?" When they were in Baishan village, their life was very comfortable and full. Although it was good here, they had less feelings.

"I want to go back." Ning Mengyao blinks, looking at Qiao Tianchang, with expectation in her eyes.

"Well, then we'll go back."

"But you..."

"It's OK, I have the privilege." There is no war now. It doesn't matter if he doesn't go to court. Since she doesn't want to stay here, he will accompany him.

Ningmengyao nodded at ease, thinking of going back to that small yard, ningmengyao's eyes were bright.

Tell Qingxue that they are going to clean up and ready to go back.

Qingxue they don't understand why they want to go back, but since the young lady said that, they did so naturally.

However, the idea is good, but the reality is cruel. I don't know where Xiao Qitian got the news and they are going.

Immediately ran to the general's Mansion from the prince Qi's mansion and stopped them: "how can you go? No way. "

"Why not?" They frowned at the same time and looked at Xiao Qitian displeased.

Xiao Qitian reached over to his forehead and looked at the two man speechless. "Did you not see that there is a liner around the general office?"

These two people are really, after setting off such a frenzy, they can pat their buttocks and walk away. Where is such a good thing?

Qiao Tianchang raised his eyebrows: "so what?" He doesn't care about those clowns.

Hearing this tone, Xiao Qitian suddenly understood that they knew it.

"I know you don't pay attention to those people, but brother Huang asked me to show you this." Xiao Qitian takes out a secret letter and hands it to Qiao Tianchang.

Qiao Tianchang took it over, looked up, looked at it, frowned tightly, with a dignified expression.

"What happened to Tianchang?" Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang worried.

"The state of mausoleum has sent people here, and they are not good at coming." This secret letter was sent back by Xiao Qifeng's dark son. It can't be wrong, but it says that the prince of the neighboring country has already set out, but he hasn't arrived yet. It only means that he has hidden his identity and is going to Beijing. Maybe he is somewhere now. It seems that he needs to dig people out.

"Very troublesome?" Ning Mengyao blinked, wondering.

Qiao Tianchang nodded: "it's very troublesome. The country of Ling is coming, and people from other countries should be coming. Yao Yao is sorry, I'm afraid I can't accompany you back." Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao apologetically.

He needs to stay to help Xiao Qifeng.

Although ningmengyao is a little lost, she also knows that this is Qiao Tianchang's responsibility. If he really leaves with her regardless of everything, she will worry about it.

"It's OK. I'll stay with you. We'll go back when you're done with it." Ning Mengyao smiles brilliantly.

No matter where you are, as long as you are with this man, you are home.