Qiao Tianchang a Leng, it seems that he did not expect ningmengyao will say such words, at the moment heart moved: "Yuri Huang thank you."

Ning Mengyao shook her head gently: "no need to thank you."

Ask Qingxue to put back their things, and then ask Qingxuan to send someone to investigate the reason why several countries came here.

Ningmengyao's help is undoubtedly the best for xiaoqitian: "Mengyao thank you."

Looking at Xiao Qitian, Ning Mengyao said lightly, "you are Tianchang's friend." They also have a cooperative relationship. They have a pleasant cooperation. It's nothing to help.

Xiao Qitian looks at Ning Mengyao, is his sense of existence really so low?

"By the way, the fish and shrimps in the pond over there should be almost OK. Send someone to pull them by yourself. One is three liang of silver for fish, one is five liang of silver for crab, one is two liang of silver for shrimps and one is eighty-two for king." Ning Mengyao's slow and orderly offer.

At first, when he heard ningmengyao say this, he was still a little excited, but after hearing her price, the whole person was dumbfounded.

The price is just sky high.

"Why don't you rob?" Xiao Qitian said gnashing his teeth.

Businessmen all have one thing in common, that is, stinginess. Although Xiao Qitian doesn't have the same eyes as other businessmen, it's just that. Now he suddenly hears that he may have to take out so much money. He feels that meat hurts.

Ningmengyao picked up her eyebrows and asked with a smile: "are you sure you don't want it?"

She looks like this, let Xiao Qitian have a kind of cat scratch feeling, finally a bite of teeth: "I want to still not?"

"Don't worry about letting you down." Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

Xiao Qitian is called a hater. He wants to see for himself what kind of fish, shrimp and crab are so expensive.

"I'll give you half of the money for Tianchang's fish." Seeing him like this, Ning Mengyao suddenly turned his head and looked at Qiao Tianchang and said seriously, while Xiao Qitian beside him could only spit blood.


Ningmengyao and they can't go back. She blames Xiao Qitian for this, and the result is naturally to be ripped off.

After Xiao Qitian left angrily, Qiao Tianchang looked at Ning Mengyao funny: "you."

"Let's go back." Ning Mengyao smiled and took Qiao Tianchang's hand and walked back.

Green snow, they look at the things that have been cleaned up in the back. They have no choice but to get rid of them.

Ningmengyao looks at the secret report brought back by Qingxuan, with a smile on her mouth.


"Let's see. Nangongche, the prince of the state of Ling, has arrived in the capital and lives in the tavern opened by Xiao Qitian. This time, there is the princess of the state of Ling, who is coming with the emissary. It's self-evident." After Ning Mengyao handed the note to Qiao Tianchang, he said with a smile.

Nangongche, the prince of the state of Ling, still knows something about nangongche. He looks gentle on the surface, but he is actually a ruthless man. She once heard that nangongche killed all the people in the East Palace because the palace man knocked over his favorite glass lamp.

Although nangongche stopped her at that time, she still got some news.

"They want to get married?" Qiao Tianchang frowned.

The relationship between the state of Ling and the state of Xiao is not particularly bad, but it is also absolutely bad. At this time, if they really want to get married, I'm afraid there's something deceitful about it.

"Besides Nangongche saw Lingwu three days ago. " Ningmengyao throws a bomb again. Qiao Tianchang stands up.

"I have to go to the palace at once." Lingwu Hou's ulterior motives can be understood from the perspective of privately supporting the army.

"Go ahead, I'm afraid it will take some time for them to find out what they're not talking about." Knowing such big news, if Joe Tianchang can take it calmly, it's really abnormal.

Qiao Tianchang nodded and rode into the palace.

When Xiao Qifeng heard that Qiao Tianchang had come, he had some accidents: "how did Tianchang come? Not with Mengyao? " He heard that tongbaozhai had stopped fighting against lingwuhou mansion and Prince Xiao's mansion, but he said that everyone was not allowed to cooperate with them, or he would be against tongbaozhai.

According to the truth, shouldn't they live in the intimate world of two now? How can I come here sometime.

Automatically ignored Xiao Qifeng's teasing, Qiao Tianchang's expression was serious: "the prince of lingguo has arrived in the capital."