Xiao Qifeng, with a joking smile, solidified: "how do you know the news? Is it accurate? "

His people only found out that nangongche had arrived at Xiaoguo, but no one was found, or even received any news.

He has always been worried about the secret of the prince of the state of Ling coming secretly, but now it seems that his worry is right.

"Yao Yao helped with the investigation."

Hearing that it was Ning Mengyao who investigated, his doubts disappeared. After all, the strength of Ning Mengyao was put there.

"What else did Mengyao investigate?" Xiao Qitian's eyes are on Qiao Tianchang's body, with a strong expectation in his eyes.

Qiao Tianchang nodded: "it's because of this that I came into the palace. Yaoyao's people found out that nangongche had arrived in the capital and lived in the tavern of Qitian."

Everyone in the capital knows that Xiao Qitian has opened a restaurant, and the business is very good. Nangongche will choose there, which is no surprise.

First of all, it is the best restaurant in the capital, and nangongche's role is to be a rich young man. Choosing other places will lead to suspicion. On the other hand, the most dangerous place is the safest one. If nangongche chooses it, he will.

"God damn it, I don't know." If not for ningmengyao, how long will yamen be kept in the dark?

Qiao Tianchang is also helpless: "it can't be blamed for praying for heaven. Nangongche must have gone through a rigorous plan. Not only that, he and his subordinates have changed their looks and acted as rich childe. Our people didn't find out, and they should."

Xiao Qifeng naturally knows this, but the most wordless thing is that people have all dressed up like this. How are you You found it?

"I'd like to know now. How does she know?" Xiao Qifeng took a deep look at Qiao Tianchang and said strangely.

Qiao Tianchang gave Xiao Qifeng a white look, as if he didn't see his expression: "nangongyue, the princess of lingguo, also came, and nangongche had just met Lingwu Marquis secretly a few days ago."

Xiao Qifeng's action in his hand, frowning tightly, "what do you think of this matter?"

"I'm afraid lingguo wants to marry us. As for what nangongche and lingwuhou talked about, Yaoyao said it will take some time." Qiao Tianchang's brow is slightly wrinkled, which is so dignified for the development of this matter.

"I'll send someone to look it up, but I'm going to trouble Mengyao." Xiao Qifeng frowned to see Qiao Tianchang.

"It's better to be prepared in any way. Although I know it later, I'm better than I was unprepared in the end."

Xiao Qifeng nodded. Naturally, she understood this truth. If it wasn't for Ning Mengyao's help, they would still be in the dark. If so, it would be too late when they really knew.

"I will let zero watch nangongche." It's better to put people under their own eyes.

Qiao Tianchang picked up his eyebrows and seemed to be very relieved about zero.

"Now that you've made up your mind, I'll go back first." Qiao Tianchang came here to tell Xiao Qifeng this. Since he has already planned, he will not talk more.

White Qiao Tianchang a look, Xiao Qifeng waved: "I see you are now leaving Mengyao for a while will not become."

"Do you envy?"

Xiao Qifeng choked for a while, he envied? She envies a ghost.

Looking at Xiao Qifeng like that, Qiao Tianchang is in a good mood to go back to the house, but after going back, Ning Mengyao doesn't even go out.

But she asked her mother-in-law Qin to leave a message, saying that she would go to Xiao Qitian's restaurant for dinner later, so that he could go there to find her when he came back.

Knowing where people are, Qiao Tianchang turns around and leaves the house.

But at this time Ning Mengyao is blocked by a fat man, and still looks at her with the expression of the color fan.

"Get out of the way." Ning Mengyao looks at the pig in front of her with a cold face.

"Miss, do you know who I am? Go back with me and make sure that you have something delicious and something spicy. " The fat man looked at Ning Mengyao's delicate face without stopping to drool. He had never seen such a woman with such temperament.