It's still a country's prince to be ordered in such a reasonable manner. I'm afraid that only Joe Tianchang can do such a thing.

"Come on, I won't get in your way here. I'll go back to find brother Huang and bring some by the way." Xiao Qitian got up and was ready to leave. As for Qiao Tianchang's bad tone, he ignored it directly.

"Remember to tell the emperor that it's the best time to pull out the dark pile of the mausoleum. Don't miss it." Qiao Tianchang suddenly opens his mouth.

Xiao Qitian hooked his lips: "it's natural."

After they left, they said it in the yard, but it didn't take long for Ning Mengyao to find it wrong. Qiao Tianchang's face turned pale, and his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled. It didn't seem very comfortable. Even his neck was angry with a layer of tiny red pimples.

"Tianchang, what's the matter with you?" Ningmengyao hurriedly walked to Qiao Tianchang's side, looked at the small pimples on his neck, and at the same time reached out to touch his forehead.

"I'm fine don't worry." Joe Tianchang stood up and said this. As soon as he was about to leave, he fainted.

Qiao Tianchang can frighten Ning Mengyao like this: "Qingshuang, come and have a look."

Qingshuang and Qiao Tianchang are shocked to see Qiao Tianchang fainting suddenly. They quickly reach out to help ningmengyao to help him to the bed and lie down.

Qingshuang gave Qiao Tianchang the pulse, then frowned tightly: "general, this is allergic."

"Allergy?" Ning Mengyao looks at Qingshuang stupidly, but obviously he doesn't know the situation clearly.

"Yes, the general is allergic to seafood, and the symptoms are much worse than those of ordinary people." Qingshuang nodded.

Now she knows why Qiao Tianchang seldom eats even fish, let alone shrimp and crab in Baishan village. It's because of this.

But his symptoms are really frightening.

"Allergy? I don't know. " Thinking of today's meal, she fed Joe Tianchang many crabs. He ate them all. She thought he ate them. She didn't eat them before just for her.

"Don't worry, madam. The general seems to have some eyes on this symptom, but I'll prescribe some medicine and put some ointment on it. It'll be OK soon."

"Then go quickly." Ningmengyao quickly waved and asked Qingshuang to give the decocting medicine.

Soon Qingshuang came in with the medicine and a box of ointment in his hand.

After helping Ning Mengyao to give Qiao Tianchang medicine, Qingshuang goes out.

Ningmengyao tries to help Qiao Tianchang take off his clothes. After taking off her clothes, she sees that Qiao Tianchang's body is now a crimson layer with small pimples, which looks very penetrating.

Take the ointment and wipe it all over the place with small pimples. Ning Mengyao is still not at ease and has been guarding Qiao Tianchang's side.

However, in the afternoon, the little pimples that infiltrated people disappeared a lot, but Qiao Tianchang even started a high fever, and his face turned red from pale and bloodless.

"What's the matter with Qingshuang?" Ningmengyao didn't know medicine. She frowned when Qingshuang felt Qiao Tianchang's pulse. She asked anxiously.

"Madam, don't worry, general. It's normal. As long as the fever subsides, it's OK. But it can't be used for medicine. It can only be used in other ways."

Ning Mengyao frowns. How can this allergy be so troublesome.

"Go and get some spirits."

Qingshuang nodded and hurriedly went out. After a while, she brought two jars of wine.

Ningmengyao used wine to help Qiao Tianchang clean his body and cool down. It took him a lot of time to let his temperature go down gradually.

At this time, Qingxue gave Qiao Tianchang a pulse: "madam, don't worry, the fever has started to subside. As long as the general wakes up, it's OK."

Ningmengyao was relieved a little. Looking at Qiao Tianchang's frown, how could this guy be so annoying? If he can't eat, he doesn't know what to say? She eats whatever she feeds. Now it's like this.

Qiao Tianchang wakes up in the middle of the night. When he wakes up, Ning Mengyao is lying beside the bed sleeping sweet.

Qiao Tianchang wants to sit up and take Ning Mengyao to bed, but he has no strength at all. Suddenly, he thinks of what happened in the afternoon, and he has no choice but to rub his eyebrow and heart. His system is really unpleasant.