When Qiao Tianchang moved, Ning Mengyao opened her eyes. In a daze, she saw Qiao Tianchang open his eyes and looked at her tenderly.

Seeing Qiao Tianchang wake up, Ning Mengyao's sleepy and confused family disappeared for a moment, but instead he was worried: "how about it? Is it all right? "

Joe Tianchang shook his head gently: "I'm ok, but it's worrying you."

"You also said that you can't eat those things, how can you not tell?" I'm not happy to catch Ning Mengyao. Now I'm in trouble?

Qiao Tianchang smiled helplessly: "I know you like to eat, and you can't ruin your happiness."

"Don't do that next time. I don't like to see you like that." When you eat this in the future, you can't let him touch the dishes he likes.

Qiao Tianchang smiled and nodded: "what you say is what I listen to you."

"What a fool." He reached out his hand and pinched his face. He dared not move in his heart.

Qiao Tianchang's smile was faint: "as long as you are happy, I would like to be a fool." He likes to see Ning Mengyao's smile, not her unhappy look.

Ningmengyao Leng Leng looked at Qiao Tianchang, the heart can not say the move: "Tianchang can meet you very good." Ningmengyao took Qiao Tianchang's hand and said it intimately.

"I think the right decision I made was to go to Baishan village and live in seclusion." Because he lived in seclusion there, he could meet Ning Mengyao: "it's too late now. Come up and have a rest."

"Yes." Ningmengyao went to bed and took off her clothes. She leaned on Qiao Tianchang's arm, rubbed her face against his chest, and closed her eyes contentedly.

Today, when Qiao Tianchang had an accident, she knew that Qiao Tianchang had taken root in her heart and grown into a big tree unconsciously.

Qiao Tianchang gently looks at ningmengyao, who closes her eyes, and smiles, who dotes on her, then closes her eyes.

When Ning Mengyao woke up the next day, Qiao Tianchang was still sleeping. She looked at Qiao Tianchang's body carefully. There were not many small pimples on it, which relieved her a lot.

Quietly, he got up and went to the kitchen to cook some light porridge for Qiao Tianchang.

When Ning Mengyao got up, Qiao Tianchang was already awake, but his body was still weak and his head was also a little lethargic, so he didn't open his eyes.

Looking at the direction of the door, Joe Tianchang closed his eyes again.

When Ning Mengyao came in with porridge, Qiao Tianchang was already awake and lying in bed without knowing what he was thinking.

"What are you thinking? Get up and wash. " Ning Mengyao brings water from one side, hands the pad in the basin to Qiao Tianchang, and asks him to wash quickly.

After Qiao Tianchang washed and rinsed, he wanted to have porridge by himself and let Ning Mengyao have breakfast. Who knows that with a bowl on one end of his hand, the bowl almost fell on the bed.

"I'll come and wait until you've eaten." Ning Mengyao held the porridge in her hand, frowning.

Qiao Tianchang nodded helplessly: "it's really a waste."

"What nonsense?" Ningmengyao doesn't like to hear him say such things.

"Well, no nonsense." Qiao Tianchang's face was spoiled with a thick cossete, and he allowed Ning Mengyao to feed himself porridge.

After eating a bowl, Qiao Tianchang shakes his head and refuses to continue: "I'm full. Go to eat it."

"Well, I'll let Qingshuang come in and show you how it's still so serious." Ningmengyao frowned and cleaned up the dishes, muttering in a low voice.


After Ning Mengyao went out, he asked Qingshuang to come in and show Qiao Tianchang. He was worried about his health.

Qingshuang came into the room and gave Qiao Tianchang a pulse. At last, he sighed heavily: "I said uncle, I've seen other people's allergies, but how can your allergies be so annoying?"

"I'd like to know, too." The previous allergy was not so serious. I'll be fine after a night's rest with some medicine. Who knows that it's so annoying this time.

Qingshuang looked at Qiao Tianchang with a smile: "but it's time for me to snigger. If it wasn't for this time, I'm afraid the young lady wouldn't know how much position my uncle occupied in her heart."