Qiao Tianchang was stunned, then laughed, as if it were true.

"I'm all right?" Qiao Tianchang is unable to touch his forehead, which is really enough.

He said that he would spoil Ning Mengyao for the rest of his life. Who knows that he even asked her to serve him.

"Don't worry, sir. There's no serious problem. It's almost the same after another day's drinking." Qingshuang took back his hand and said with a light smile, "I'll make medicine for my uncle."

"Well, look at your young lady and let her eat more." When Qiao Tianchang was about to go out, Qingshuang couldn't help saying.

"Please take care of yourself." Green frost head also won't go, provoke Qiao Tianchang mercilessly stare.

What kind of master, what kind of servant, dare to talk to themselves like this.

Tut tut two, Qiao Tianchang face with a little helpless.

Although they are a little rude, but also let the family a lot of fun.

Ning Mengyao is eating out. Seeing Qingshuang coming out, she quickly puts down her bowl: "how is Qingshuang?"

"One more day's medicine will be fine. Don't worry, miss." Qingshuang said soothingly.

Ningmengyao was relieved: "then I'll be relieved. Go and give Tianchang the medicine."


After Qingshuang left, Ning Mengyao ate something at will and went back to her room.

Shortly after returning to the room, Ryan and Lin Ziyou came together with a sarcastic smile on their faces.

"Boss." Standing in the yard, the two shouted at the same time.

Inside, Ning Mengyao, who heard their voices, went to the door and asked them to come in.

After they came in, they saw Qiao Tianchang lying on the bed, his face was still a little white. Not only that, but also there were some small pimples in the neck.

"What's the matter with you, boss?" Such a frail look.

Of course, they dare not say this, only in the heart of the whisper.

Qiao Tianchang took a look at two people: "it's OK, it's allergy."

At the first hearing, they knew that they had eaten crabs again.

"We really think you look like that, boss." Ryan touched his nose and said with a smile.

When did they see the boss like this?

"Ryan, you want to die, don't you?" Said Ning Mengyao in a gloomy voice.

Dare to say that she is a man in front of her, don't want to live.

Lei An blinked and saw Ning Mengyao's ugly face, then he quickly raised his hands: "sister-in-law, I'm wrong, really."

"Hum." Ningmengyao snorted: "Tianchang, you talk slowly. I have something else to go out."

"Well, be careful. I'll give them the green Xuan." Qiao Tianchang didn't ask ningmengyao about it, just let it be careful.

Ningmengyao smiled and nodded, and said hello to the two people and took Qingxue and others out.

"Tell me, what's the matter with you coming here?" Qiao Tianchang still knows them better. If it wasn't for something important, they wouldn't come.

"Nangongche, the eldest brother, wants to see you and his sister-in-law. He has already told the emperor, but we think his purpose is probably for his sister-in-law." Lin Zi is worried about two people frown some worry to say.

Qiao Tianchang was stunned, and his eyes became cold: "how to say that?"

"He is investigating the news of his sister-in-law. Although we try our best to stop him, we just..." Two people look at each other and see helplessness in each other's eyes.

"Well, I'll see about it when he comes."

"That line, but you should be on guard, boss. Nangongche is not as simple as he seems." Lin Ziyou said with some worries.

If it wasn't for Zhu Wei to expose his whereabouts, they would see his gaffe.

But it was only that day, and nangongche was always gentle and elegant, as if nothing could interest him.

"I know. Don't worry." Joe gave a big grace.

As for nangongche, Ning Mengyao told him a lot, but he still knew something about it. He was not very worried about this.