Qiao Tianchang looks at nangongche and doesn't speak. He just drinks the tea slowly with the cup in his hand.

For a while, no one spoke.

The silence is not long. Ning Mengyao brings them back with Qingxuan.

Seeing nangongche in the yard, Ning Mengyao's eyes flashed obvious disgust.

"Yao Yao is back." When Qiao Tianchang saw ningmengyao's figure, he was doting on his face.

Ning Mengyao nodded, "well, when you're done, how can you come out before you're all well?"

"I'm fine. Don't worry." Qiao Tianchang explained with a smile.

After all, when the prince of Nangong comes, he can't stay in bed.

Looking at nangongche, Ning Mengyao's eyebrows slightly wrinkled: "Qingshuang gives the general pulse."

"It's Madame."

Qingshuang goes to Qiao Tianchang's side and gives Qiao Tianchang a helpless pulse.

Lin Ziyou looks at the scene in front of him, and thinks it's very interesting.

"You are the exclusive doctor, boss." Lin Ziyou takes a look at Qingshuang.

Qingshuang's empty hand suddenly stood up, with a silver needle between his fingertips: "if you don't shut up, I will never let you speak."

Lin Zi looks at Qingshuang with worry and no words: "I don't seem to provoke you, do I?"

"Shut your mouth, and don't disturb my pulse to the general." Qingshuang looks at the forest with disdain.

Lin Zi is worried about his mouth and looks at Qingshuang thoughtfully. This little girl really makes people want to bully him.

"There's nothing wrong with that, general, but the remaining two bowls of medicine are still to be drunk." Qingshuang said calmly.

Qiao Tianchang stopped for a moment, but said, "Qingshuang, are you avenging me?" Where can there be such bitter medicine?

He couldn't help but wonder if Qingshuang had caught several yellow lotus in it, otherwise how could this medicine suffer into this amount.

Qingshuang gave Qiao Tianchang a cool look: "next time if the general worries his wife again, I will add a jin of yellow lotus in your medicine."

Qiao Tianchang's eyes twitched slightly. This girl dare to say.

A jin of yellow lotus, can you still drink that medicine? After drinking the medicine, he didn't need to eat anything else for about a month.

His hands around his chest looked at Qiao Tianchang with a smile: "if the general doesn't want to drink the medicine with a jin of yellow lotus, he will protect himself." Qingshuang grins at Qiao Tianchang. The white teeth make Qiao Tianchang feel the pain in the forehead. What kind of servants do he meet.

"Poof Ha ha, I'm curious about the taste of the medicine with a jin of yellow lotus. " Then he couldn't help laughing.

A light look at linziyou, Qiao Tianchang said in a cold voice: "Qingshuang prepared linziyou a medicine with a jin of yellow lotus, and let him drink it."

"It's the general." Qingshuang turns to leave.

Nangong Che sat aside and watched their strange way of getting along.

The master is not like the master, the servant is not like the servant, but it makes him feel extremely warm, which is really a ghost.

"General Joe's family is really interesting." Nangongche said that it was not clear.

I don't know what he wants to say.

Ningmengyao frowned and looked at nangongche: "do you envy? What's the matter with you coming. "

"Madame general seems to hate this palace." Nangong Che looks at Ning Mengyao and frowns slightly.

Ningmengyao didn't want to talk to these people hypocritically: "is there anything I don't hate about you?"

"You..." Nangong Che is angry. He has never been despised face to face.

"What's the matter with Nangong prince coming here?" Qiao Tianchang comes out in time to talk, but completely ignores Ning Mengyao's weakness just now.

Nangong Che took a look at Qiao Tianchang and thought of his goal. He took a deep breath and put down the evil fire in his heart.

"The reason why we came here is to ask the general's wife, who are her parents?" Nangong Che looked at Ning Mengyao and asked, thinking deeply. There was a flash of inexplicable light in his eyes.

The calculation in nangongche's eyes was not only seen by Qiao Tianchang, but also by Ning Mengyao.

"I don't know who my parents are. If Nangong Prince knows, I really thank you." Ning Mengyao aggravates that thank you.