Nangong Che frowns at Ning Mengyao. What's the matter with this woman? Why do you look like you have thorns.

"There doesn't seem to be any misunderstanding between you and our palace, Madame general?" Nangongche looked at ningmengyao and said that he had no choice.

Ningmengyao glanced at nangongche lightly and said lightly, "this is not true."

"Since there is no such thing, how do you feel that you are targeting this palace?" Nangong Che looks at Ning Mengyao helplessly, which is really a little strange.

Ningmengyao was directly elated by Qi, and looked at nangongche funny: "for you? Who are you that I can target you with? "

"Ning Mengyao, you seem to have gone too far."

"Who is going too far? Nangongche, do you really think we don't know your purpose? Who are my parents? Do you want to tell me that you know my parents and I want to talk to someone in lingguo? " Ning Mengyao said sarcastically.

Nangongche is blocked by ningmengyao's words and cannot speak.

"You are simply unreasonable." Nangong Che said angrily.

He did feel that ningmengyao was very much like a person, and that person was still under one person in the country of lingguo, more than ten thousand people.

Even he, in front of that person, had to put all his claws and teeth away.

"Thank you very much, Prince Nangong. But you are not welcome in the general's office. Please go back and forth." Ning Mengyao doesn't know why she hates this person.

Nangongche pressed down his anger and looked at ningmengyao. "Believe it or not, you really look like a person."

Ning Mengyao smiled sarcastically: "thank you so much for telling me. If you're OK, Nangong prince, please."

Nangong Che was a little annoyed, but he got up and left with a gloomy face.

After nangongche left, Qiao Tianchang looked at Lin Ziyou and they got up to leave.

They were sent out by Qiao Tianchang to wrap up grandma Qin and Qingxue. There were only two people left in the whole yard.

"Yao Yao tell me what happened to you today, OK?" After she came back to see nangongche, he obviously felt that ningmengyao's mood was very wrong, or even too excited.

Ningmengyao took a deep breath and looked at Qiao Tianchang: "actually, I know that the man he said was Nangong Yan, the Regent of the state of Ling. I once met him. He was the most incomprehensible man I ever met. He was a very beautiful man, and my appearance was 50% similar to that of him."

"What? Do you mean that you are probably the daughter of the Regent of lingguo? " Qiao Tianchang's eyes widened, and he had heard of Nangong Yan's name. It was the patron saint of the state of Ling. Even the emperor of the state of Ling had to give him three points of courtesy. However, when he was forty years old, he had no intention of getting a wife.

"I don't know. I have been asking people in tongbaozhai to investigate this matter, but I only found that nangongyan had a close relationship with xiaochengya, the long Princess of the effect. Later, the long Princess disappeared, and nangongyan's whereabouts became a mystery." There is no concealment about Qiao Tianchang and ningmengyao, so she told him everything.

Qiao Tianchang reached out and patted the back of ningmengyao: "do you think nangongche is here for a purpose?"

"Well, nangongyan, the Regent, has always been a mysterious existence in lingguo. All the princes of lingguo want to win over nangongche and get his support. I'm afraid he started from me, too." Ningmengyao dare not say that he can guess ten points of nangongche's mind, but six or seven points can still be guessed.

Qiao Tianchang nodded clearly: "no wonder you have such a bad attitude towards him."

"Well, someone is helping me to investigate this matter. Tianchang, you must remember that no matter what nangongche asks you, you should not tell him." She doesn't want to be a pawn in someone else's hands.

If you want to make chess with her, you have to see if nangongche has that ability.

Qiao Tianchang smiled and nodded: "of course, I know that. Don't worry, I know how to do it."