After listening to Qiao Tianchang's explanation, Ning Mengyao has little interest in the family, and is more interested in Wei Zixin's defense. Such a stupid opponent can't let her go.

Turn around and keep talking to Joe Tianchang in a low voice.

After a while, a low voice sounded in the Imperial Garden: "Yao er..."

The sound made Joe Tianchang's eyes squint slightly, and he looked up to the direction of the sound source.

Lingluo is standing there with Xiao Zixuan. Lingluo looks at ningmengyao in a trance.

That kind of look, no matter which woman is fatal, especially Xiao Zixuan, who has almost lost everything.

Xiao Zixuan's temperament has been restrained a lot since her child's accident. She is busy taking care of her child every day and doesn't pay attention to many things. But today, in front of so many people, Ling Luo makes such a move, which is undoubtedly a face fight for her.

At the sight of Lingluo, he sneered at Lingwu Hou and walked towards the place where the Lord Xiao's residence was.

Lingwuhou frowned at Xiao Zixuan's impolite manner.

"Lo, what kind of woman are you? How dare you treat us like this. " Lingwuhou doesn't care. That doesn't mean his wife doesn't care. Xiao Zixuan just left, and then she started.

Lingluo looked at her mother, though she didn't show it on her face, she was very impatient.

Since the child's fever and brain burn, his mother has been scolding Xiao Zixuan, saying how she can't even bring her child, and her grandson has become like this.

In a word, it must be said that she is not the kind of person who is willing to suffer losses, so after she said it, Xiao Zixuan was going to refute it, so she said all the things she did.

At the end of the day, both of them had no face. During this period, Lingwu Houfu was just like a battlefield. Neither of them wanted to go back.

"What's your mother's day today? Can you stop a little?" Lingluo looks at her impatiently.

Lingwuhou also looked at the women around him displeased: "enough, see what you look like now, just like a shrew in the market, you can't get on the table."

This words will lingwuhou's wife to choke for a long time can not speak, she looked at lingwuhou stupidly, eyes full of disbelief.

What does he mean? "What do you mean?" she said


Lingluo frowned to death. When Lingwu Hou's wife was about to make a scene, she turned her head sharply: "Niang, do you want other envoys to come to see Lingwu Hou's jokes? If not, shut up. " He's fed up with this woman.

Lingwuhou's wife opened her mouth and finally closed it, but her face was not very good-looking.

After Xiao Zixuan came to Li liner's side, the grievance in her eyes broke out. When Li liner was in a hurry to ask, she told her everything.

Hearing her daughter's encounter in Lingwu Houfu, Li lin'er trembled angrily. Looking at Lord Xiao, she said angrily, "you can't protect your daughter and grandson. What else can you do?"

Xiao Yilin's face was not very good-looking at all. It became more ugly in a moment.

During this period, in addition to the investigation of Ning Mengyao, he also investigated something about the Royal Palace more than ten years ago, which has a great relationship with Li liner, but there is no evidence yet.

When Xiao Zixuan saw Xiao Yilin's face, she knew something bad: "don't say it, my mother and my wife. My father is very protective."

"You're still helping her talk." Li lin'er is more angry.

"I mean really, it's all because of the bitch Ning Mengyao. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't end up here. It's her fault." As soon as Xiao Zixuan thought of Ling Luo's obsession with Ning Mengyao, her teeth were itchy.

Not only she, but also Li lin'er heard the name of Ning Mengyao. Her expression was also ferocious and twisted. Only because she was imprisoned in the yard and couldn't go out, because of the bitch Ning Mengyao. At this moment, the expression of Xiao Zixuan's mother and daughter was extraordinary.