Xiao Yilin listened to the mother and daughter's words. His eyebrows were tied. He stared at them dead, "shut up for me. Don't talk about her like that."

Xiao Zixuan's face was stunned, and Li liner's face was resentful. She glared at Xiao Yilin fiercely: "you really think about that woman. Now you are enchanted to see a girl who looks like her? Want to take people back to the mansion? Do you dare to rob Joe Tianchang? " Li liner's words are more and more out of tune, and Xiao Yilin's face is more and more ugly.

"Don't tell me, princess." Xiao Zixuan gently pulled Li lin'er's arm and looked at Xiao Yilin's ugly face with some worry. She had never seen her father so angry.

Li lin'er shakes off Xiao Zixuan's hand and stares at Xiao Yilin: "why don't I say that? Xiao Yilin, if you have the ability, you can go. "

Xiao Yilin can't bear it. Whether there are so many people on the scene or not, he slaps Li lin'er with his hands raised. The strength is so great that Li lin'er's face is red and swollen almost instantly, and the corners of her mouth are even bloodshot.

People around me turn their heads at the same time because of this slap, and see Xiao Yilin looking at Li lin'er with scarlet eyes. No matter how they look, the expression is a little gloomy and terrible.

"Ha ha, Xiao Yilin, you even beat me for that cheap girl? How do you want her to take my place? You are an old man who can be her father even if others don't see you. " Li lin'er put her face in one hand and pointed to the place where Ning Mengyao was.

Ning Mengyao and Qiao Tianchang frowned at the same time, and their faces were very ugly. This woman was so rude.

"King Xiao asks you to take care of your woman. Don't let her come out and bite people." Joe Tianchang looked at the two of them gloomily.

No matter what they did, Qiao Tianchang was very unhappy when they pulled the fuse on them, especially because ningmengyao was scolded.

Xiao Zixuan looked at the uncontrolled scene with a headache. She didn't think of it. She just came to talk to Li lin'er, and things became the way they are now.

"She didn't mean it. Were you angry?" Xiao Zixuan looked at her mother and concubine with some worry. Then she frowned and looked at Xiao Yilin. Her eyes were full of pleading: "for such a person, it's not worth it."

Xiao Yilin sneered and said, "have you forgotten what Xiao Zixuan taught you since she was a child? She's just like an old man of our king, so after a long look, she said, "you're still begging for mercy. Besides, why did things develop to this point? Don't you know?"

Xiao Zixuan's face was slightly stiff. She looked at Xiao Yilin awkwardly and her face was slightly hot. It was really because of her.

No matter who caused Qiao Tianchang, he glanced coldly at the faces of all the people: "if Lord Xiao thinks that the life of Lord Xiao's house is too peaceful now, he can continue to involve those messy things in our husband and wife." He's threatening, so what? We have to use whatever means to deal with what kind of people.

Xiao Yilin's face was stiff. Others threatened in front of so many people. No matter what, Xiao Yilin's face was very ugly.

"General Joe said something serious." Xiao also looked at Qiao Tianchang with a gloomy face.

Qiao Tianchang glanced at Xiao Yilin lightly: "it's not serious to insult my wife."

Ning Mengyao glanced at Xiao Yilin: "I hope Lord Xiao doesn't disturb my life whether I am similar to your old man or not. If there is any inconvenience to my life, no one knows what I will do."

Ningmengyao's voice is very light, also very light, as if there is nothing like it, there is no anger, no extra words, there is only cold.

However, it is such a tone that people around can't help but look at Ning Mengyao in a different way. Subconsciously, they see her face, which is not particularly beautiful, with the cold that can't be rejected by others.