Just now, Qiao Tianchang's words made Xiao Yilin angry, while Ning Mengyao's words made Xiao Yilin lost a little.

"I just..."

"No matter what you want to do, I hope you don't disturb my life." Ning Mengyao looks at Xiao Yilin and interrupts him directly.

Xiao Yilin looked at Ning Mengyao for a long time and then nodded silently: "I know."

"I hope so. What they did this time will be over. Next time, don't blame me for turning up my face and not recognizing people." She was in a bad mood when she was pointed and scolded in public.

Xiao Yilin sighed softly and nodded helplessly: "I will restrain them."

"It has nothing to do with me." Ning Mengyao turns her head and refuses to talk to Xiao Yilin again.

Xiao Yilin's body was slightly stiff, and finally he sat back in his seat.

Li lin'er looked at Xiao Yilin's lost soul and couldn't help laughing. The crazy look made the faces of the people present very ugly.

Xiao Yilin frowned together, as if knotted: "Li lin'er, if you want to go crazy, get out and hair. Don't make a fool of yourself here."

Li lin'er sneered, went to her seat and sat down. Her elegant figure was not the same as that of the shrew just now.

Xiao Zixuan sighed and went back to Lingluo with a little loss and doubt in her eyes.

She always felt that her father had a great relationship with the woman Ning Mengyao. It seemed that Ning Mengyao hated Xiao Yilin very much, but he wanted to go to find Ning Mengyao.

Such an idea makes Xiao Zixuan's doubts more intense. After seeing Ning Mengyao's position, Xiao Zixuan's face is weird.

Ningmengyao's performance is also very strange. It seems that she knows something. It's strange how she feels.

The surrounding atmosphere is a little weird, which makes other faces slightly changed.

In such a repressed atmosphere, a voice of rescue came: "the emperor is here."

Hearing this, they were relieved and knelt on the ground: "see the emperor."

"Get up." Xiao Qifeng sat on the guard and looked down at all his eyes.

Later, Xiao Qitian bowed down to salute: "I have seen your brother."

"Get up."

Xiao Qitian smiled at Xiao Qifeng, went to Ning Mengyao and sat down. He whispered to Ning Mengyao and said, "Mengyao, brother Huang wants you to help him grow his eyes and see who is more suitable to be a queen."

Ning Mengyao frowned at Xiao Qitian and said, "are you sure you're right?" Let her help to see, not afraid to give him to choose a crooked melon shriveled date out.

Xiao Qitian nodded with great certainty: "this is what brother Huang said. He said he believed your vision."

Ning Mengyao couldn't help caressing her forehead and turned to look at Qiao Tianchang: "Tianchang, I think I must be the public enemy of all women today."

Qiao Tianchang raised his eyebrows: "who dares to move you?"

Ning Mengyao is amused by Qiao Tianchang's appearance.

Xiao Qitian looked at the way they could show their love without separation and cooperation. He couldn't help feeling depressed: "I said you should consider whether there is still a single person like me here?"

"You can choose one today and show your love to us." Ning Mengyao didn't care at all.

However, Xiao Qitian sneered, "I'm not rare."

I can't find a woman with the same heart. What is he going to do? Anyway, the emperor doesn't need his help to consolidate the throne.

One day, brother Huang is here. He can do what he wants to do.

Ning Mengyao gave him a white look: "since you are not rare, then don't envy and hate here."

Xiao Qitian looks at Ning Mengyao silently: "can't you show your love in front of me?"

"No." Ning Mengyao and his wife said in unison.

Xiao Qitian was even more depressed: "you are really enough."

Ning Mengyao smiled at Xiao Qitian and said, "we are abusing single dogs."

Xiao Qitian turns around in silence. He still doesn't want to talk to this woman. He's not an opponent at all.