Qiao Tianchang looks at the two people talking lightly, and there is an obvious smile in his eyes.

"Tianchang, if you are in charge of your daughter-in-law, you will bully me." Before long, Xiao Qitian looked at Qiao Tianchang with a depressed face and said sadly.

Qiao Tianchang looked at Xiao Qitian in surprise: "then you will be bullied, I don't mind."

"But I mind," said Xiao Qitian

"Then you may not speak."

Xiao Qitian reached out to point at the two men with trembling hands. He kept twitching at the corners of his mouth. At last, he turned his head silently. He was still far away from the hateful couple. He was completely tortured.

Ning Mengyao looks at Xiao Qitian and shakes her head helplessly: "I really don't know how your family business came from just your eloquence."

Xiao Qitian choked and couldn't speak. After a long time, he said, "I'm a genius, and I'll meet you, the hateful husband and wife, how about that?"

Ning Mengyao picked up her eyebrows and looked at Xiao Qitian: "don't blame others for your incompetence."

Xiao Qitian takes a look at Ning Mengyao and closes his mouth to stop talking to the woman.

When Ning Mengyao gave up talking, a voice came from outside: "Prince of the state of Ling, Princess of the state of Ling and his envoys arrived."

"The prince of Fengguo came with his envoys."

"The three princes of Haiguo came with their envoys."

One by one, the voices let Xiao's ministers see the direction of the entrance of the imperial garden. The first two are nangongche's brother and sister. Then comes the prince of Fengguo. But the prince of Fengguo makes Ning Mengyao frown. How does she feel that this person is familiar.

Looking at each other again, she found that she didn't really know this person.

It's just the temperament of this man It reminds her of a person.

Qiao Tianchang sees Ning Mengyao staring at the prince of Fengguo. His eyes fall on the prince of Fengguo. He is a very gentle man. His brown eyes have warm smile, but there is no smile in the deep of his eyes, but they are cold and alienated.

"What's the matter?"

Ningmengyao shook her head: "the prince of Fengguo is very similar to a person I know. Their temperament is the same, but their looks are totally different."

"It turns out that the prince of Fengguo is the most mysterious one among all the countries. Even the people of Fengguo don't know his real appearance. It's said that all the people they know are dead." Qiao Tianchang looked at the prince of Fengguo and said thoughtfully.

Ning Mengyao said this, of course, she knew: "forget it. I don't know you anyway." Then he lowered his head.

Fengshuo, the prince of Fengguo, turned her head suddenly after she bowed her head and looked over. It was full of tenderness but with alienated eyes, suddenly flashed a little sincere smile.

Just when I saw Qiao Tianchang, his brow was tightly wrinkled, and his smiling face gradually sank down.

"Nangongche (nangongyue) has seen emperor Xiao."

"The crown prince and Princess of mausoleum don't need to be polite." Xiao Qifeng has a smile on his face, but a deep smile in his eyes.

"Fengshuo has seen Xiao Huang." Wind Shuo slightly bent.

"Prince Feng is very polite. Please take a seat."

"More Xiao Huang." Feng Shuo goes to his seat, which is just opposite to ningmengyao and his wife.

The line of sight on the opposite side made ningmengyao frown and raise her head subconsciously. She didn't see anything. She was confused.

"Nothing." He reached out and pinched her hand. Qiao Tianchang's face was soothing.

Ning Mengyao smiled with a smile.

"The party begins." Xiao Qifeng looked at the man on the edge, the man nodded clearly, looked up at the crowd and said.

At the beginning of the banquet, Yingge was good at dancing, and soon those who went to perform became the legitimate daughters of the ministers' families.

When Wei Zixin arrived, she played a piece of music, which was very pleasant, which made Wei Kexin's face slightly changed, and her eyes were on Wei Zixin.

She knows Wei Zixin's ability, but now Wei Kexin knows that Wei Zixin has always been humble. Her piano is no worse than her own.

Wei Zixin is pleased to see Wei Kexin's slightly changed face on the stage, but she doesn't want to trouble her now. If she turns to Ning Mengyao, "I don't know if the general's wife of Zhenguo can compare with me."