With Wei Zixin's words, people's sight turned to Ning Mengyao.

Ning Mengyao plays with the glass in her hand and looks at Wei Zixin with a smile. Her mouth is full of Satire: "why should I compare with you?"

"Do you dare not compare with me, or do you know nothing? What qualifications do you have to stand beside general Joe? " Wei Zixin's words.

Xiao Qifeng and his brother looked at Wei Zixin strangely. When they saw that she was obsessed with Qiao Tianchang, they immediately understood that this man was interested in Qiao Tianchang, so they said this.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Wei Zixin and says, "dogs are nosy with mice."

"General Joe, you..." Wei Zixin's face changed. How could she not think that her kindness to Qiao Tianchang was not accepted by him, or even gave her a slap.

Qiao Tianchang wanted to talk, but she was stopped by Ning Mengyao. She looked at Wei Zixin with a smile: "do you mean to say that the second daughter of the prime minister's office is the most suitable person for Tianchang?"

"Isn't it?" Wei Zixin's face is obviously haughty. She looks at Ning Mengyao with disdain.

Ningmengyao chuckled and said sarcastically: "I don't know that the lady of youxiangfu is so shameless. She looks at other men in the boudoir." And still in front of everyone, in front of the envoys disgraced.

As soon as he said this, he scolded the whole right Xiangfu. Xiao Qitian said with a smile: "yes, Miss Wei's education really opened my eyes."

As soon as Prime Minister Wei's face changed, his expression was awkward and ugly. In a word, it was very bad.

He gave Wei Zixin a hard look. How could he not have thought that Wei Zixin was so bold and could say such words in front of so many people.

Feng Shuo looked at Wei Zixin with a smile: "the woman of Xiao kingdom is indeed worthy of reputation."

As soon as Xiao Qifeng's face changed, his eyes became cold, and Wei Zixin's eyes were full of disgust.

The change of Xiao Qifeng made Wei Kexin's face suddenly stiff. She knew that Wei Zixin's actions had already caused Xiao Qifeng's dissatisfaction. If we continue like this, I'm afraid that the last thing we have to do is ourselves.

"I I don't mean that. I just want to compete with the general's wife. " Wei Zixin is not a fool. Naturally, she knows that all people are criticizing her, especially the eyes of envoys from other countries. Their eyes are so contemptuous, as if they are the mud on the bottom of their feet, making them disgusted.

Ning Mengyao lightly looks at Wei Zixin and chuckles: "want to compare with me? Why should I compare with you? "

Wei Zixin is stunned. Yes, why does she compare with herself? It's totally unnecessary.

"Are you afraid?"

"Compared with a childish child, I can't afford to lose that man." In other people's eyes, Wei Zixin's piano may be perfect, but for Ning Mengyao, it's just like the child who just learned it.

Empty and visible without soul.

"You Are you disdaining me? "

Ning Mengyao smiled: "I really despise you, so what? What is a good piano without soul in it? "

"You can play it."

"Miss, you can show such a buns what a real piano is." Green snow looked at Wei Zixin scornfully and said scornfully.

It's disgraceful to dare to show off your piano skill in front of the young lady.

Ning Mengyao nodded, "take my piano."

Qingxue nodded and whistled heavily with her hands on her lips. Then they saw a bloody figure coming to Ning Mengyao, holding a Qin in her hands, which had only one string.

That's right. It's Ning Mengyao's favorite one string instrument. It's Ning Mengyao's favorite of all the ancient instruments.

Lingluo's face changed a little when she saw the Qin, as if she thought of something. Her eyes were full of obsession.

"Go down."


That bloody figure comes and goes fast, which makes people more curious about what identity Ning Mengyao is.