Ning Mengyao's hand caresses the only string, and the corners of her mouth are slightly hooked. Qiao Tianchang can feel it. Her mood is happy at the moment.

But he wanted to see how to play a string.

Not only Qiao Tianchang, but also the people beside him can't help wondering how to use this string piano.

In the curious eyes of all the people, Ning Mengyao put the Qin on her own leg and gently stroked the strings. The pleasant voice came out of the Qin, which shocked all the people. There were many people who had studied the Qin very well, but no one could play such a beautiful music with a single string.

At this moment, they seem to understand why Ning Mengyao said Wei Zixin's piano was just a child.

In front of such an accomplished piano art, no one can call it outstanding.

Wei Kexin looked at Qiao Tianchang's woman with astonishment in her eyes. Her face was calm, and she didn't get the people's interference. It seemed that everything around her couldn't arouse her idea. What she paid attention to was the piano in her hand.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao obsessed. She is so excellent.

Ningmengyao's face is quiet and her eyes are slightly closed. It seems that she is enjoying the music.

On the high platform, Wei Zixin's face was blue and white. Although all the people in the audience were immersed in the music of Ning Mengyao, she knew that at the moment when her music stopped, she would be the object of everyone's contempt.

You can't let ningmengyao succeed, that's right.

So thinking, Wei Zixin smashed the piano at Ning Mengyao like crazy: "you go to die."

Qiao Tianchang looks at the Qin coming to them from the shade with a cold single hand. He easily takes it in his hand and looks at Wei Zixin with cold eyes.

"Prime minister Wei, general Ben, will wait for your explanation." Qiao Tianchang's voice in the melodious piano sound is like the snow in winter, which makes people feel the chilling cold.

People didn't expect that Wei Zixin could not afford to lose, and that her own incompetence could still do such a thing.

She didn't receive any interference when watching Ning Mengyao. The music was even more melodious.

"Look, there are many birds in the tree." I don't know who it is, but a sudden cry.

At this time, people found that all kinds of birds were standing on the trees around them, their heads were askew, as if they were listening to this music feast.

All of a sudden, the sound of the piano jumped, and the birds on the tree fluttered and danced, as if they were playing with lemon.

But for a long time, many butterflies of various colors were added to the birds.

Xiao Qitian stared at the birds and butterflies in the field, his eyes full of horror.

He has also heard that some people's piano sound can attract hundreds of birds, but he has never seen it before, but now he has seen it with his own eyes.

This kind of scene is really beautiful, which makes him feel a little unreal.

Xiao Zixuan looks at Ning Mengyao stupidly, and her expression is distorted. She can't believe this kind of piano skill.

How can someone play the piano to attract hundreds of birds and butterflies.

However, this is not the most surprising, the most surprising is that those dancing butterflies, do not know when to fly to ningmengyao's side, flying around her, people around, including Qiao Tianchang, eyes full of obsession.

Ningmengyao sits on the chair with a light blue dress and a piano on her leg. All kinds of butterflies are flying around her. I'm afraid that she's no different from the so-called fairy.

All of a sudden, Ning Mengyao stopped playing the piano and raised her hand slightly. A colorful butterfly landed on her fingertips.

That scene, let all see in the eye, remember in the heart.

For the first time, they didn't speak or disturb, just looking at it like this.

Ningmengyao's mouth is slightly raised, and another one caresses the butterfly's wings: "go back." While talking, he threw out the butterfly in his hand.

The butterfly flies high, then gradually flies away.

The rest of the butterflies also fly away one by one. After the butterflies, all kinds of birds also fly away, leaving only a lark.