Qiao Tianchang's eyes flashed with worry: "sister means that Yao Yao may be in danger?"

Merlin nodded. "Probably."

"I know what to do." Qiao Tianchang's eyes gradually turned cold.

Looking at Qiao Tianchang like this, Ning Mengyao reached out to take his hand and said to him peacefully: "Tianchang don't worry, no one can hurt me."

"I know, but I'm not sure." Qiao Tianchang's brow is tightly wrinkled, which is very uneasy.

Ningmengyao no longer spoke but looked at Qiao Tianchang. After a long time, she said, "I'll call you when I go."


Looking at the two people in such a tense atmosphere can flirt, mouth slightly drawn, Mei Ruolin a face of helplessness: "can you both think about the occasion?"

Qiao Tianchang turns to look at Mei Ruolin: "is elder sister envious? If we envy our brother-in-law, we don't mind. "

Meiruolin's mouth was slightly drawn, and she looked at Qiao Tianchang's words, which kept selling cute Yufeng, and turned her head silently: "I mind."

Yu Feng looks at Mei Ruolin wrongly: "daughter in law, you dislike me." Said that the eyes are still watery.

Meiruolin can't touch her forehead. Can this guy be more normal? This really makes her want to beat this guy.

"Be normal."

"You despise me." Yu Feng's expression is still very aggrieved.

See Yu Feng that way, meiruolin is like a deflated ball, said feebly: "no disrespect, I don't disrespect you."



"I knew my daughter-in-law was the best for me." Said to pull people to the arms, in the face of meiruolin constantly dawdle, so let meiruolin covered with black line.

Qiao Tianchang looks at the way the two get along and thinks it's very interesting. Every time, he thinks that meiruolin is actually killed by Yufeng, although on the surface, she seems to have the upper hand.

Ning Mengyao looks at her brother-in-law without any words. She has a headache: "can you be normal, brother-in-law?"

Yu Feng put his hands around meI Ruolin's waist, chin on her shoulder, raised his eyes and looked at Ning Mengyao: "what's wrong with me?"

"Well, elder sister, it's not just because of this, is it?" Ning Mengyao looks at them and opens his mouth.

If it's just because of this, they can't both come at the same time, which is not in line with their character.

Mei Ruolin nodded and looked at Ning Mengyao with struggle in her eyes.

"Sister, what do you want to say?" Ning Mengyao looks at Mei Ruolin doubtfully. She has never seen such an expression on Mei Ruolin's face.

After watching Ning Mengyao for a long time, Mei Ruolin sighed and said, "little Yao, what you asked us to investigate, there is news."

Ningmengyao's body is slightly stiff, looking up at Mei Ruolin, "what do you mean?"

"Your mother is a long princess, but no one knows where she is now. She has been missing for more than ten years." Meiruolin's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled.

Ningmengyao's eyes flickered slightly: "I know."

"Are you not disappointed?"

"What can I be disappointed with? It's been so many years. " Since she came, the body has been sending out strong resentment, which is the injustice of resentment to the world. At that time, she promised that she was still alive. She must investigate her life experience, find her parents, let people know that she is not a wild species, and she also has parents.

Because of this, she began to investigate after the influence gradually rose. Until now, it's not bad to have some news.

"You don't have to be too disappointed, Xiaoyao. There's another person looking for her." After that, Yu Feng, who didn't speak, suddenly opened his mouth and looked at Ning Mengyao and said seriously.

Ningmengyao's eyes twinkled slightly: "are you talking about nangongyan?"

"No, it's the one who's investigating you. He's investigating your mother's news as well as you." Yufeng shakes his head, which makes him feel very strange. They all recently found out that ningmengyao and the long princess are mother daughter relationships.