But after that, the man began to investigate xiaoyao'er and her mother, which made them have to worry.

Ningmengyao frowned tightly. She never had any good things after she was in the capital. All kinds of things kept disturbing her life, which made her dislike and even disgust. "Yao Yao don't worry, no matter who it is, it will show the tail of a fox." When Qiao Tianchang saw Ning Mengyao like this, he thought she was worried, so he couldn't help but placate her.

However, Ning Mengyao shook her head gently: "this is not what I am thinking."

"That is?" Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao doubtfully and doesn't quite understand her meaning.

Ningmengyao sighed: "I miss my days in Baishan village very much now. After I came here, all kinds of bad things never disappeared."

"Yes, shall we go back when all these things are over?" That place is where they know each other, and he wants to go back.

There are too many intrigues in the capital. He knows that Ning Mengyao doesn't like it, and he doesn't either.

Mei Ruolin looked at Ning Mengyao with a funny look: "people are eager to stay in such a place. You two are so kind that you want to go back to that remote village." But it's a good place, especially where they live.

"Sister Mei, you know, I'm more suitable for such a place. I'm not comfortable in such a place." If she liked such a life, she would not live in seclusion.

It's not impossible to be high-profile with her identity, but she doesn't because it's not what she wants.

Mei Ruolin looked at Ning Mengyao funny: "of course, I know your mind, but sometimes I can't help it."

Ningmengyao was silent and didn't speak. She knew what meiruolin meant. Being with Qiao Tianchang meant that her life would not be too peaceful.

"Don't worry, we'll be back sooner or later." Qiao Tianchang didn't want to see ningmengyao like this. He couldn't help but comfort him.

Ningmengyao nodded. She believed that Qiao Tianchang would do as long as he promised her.

Meiruolin couldn't help laughing: "you two are a perfect couple. Neither of you likes this kind of life."

Qiao Tianchang didn't say much after looking at meiruolin, but this time, Qiao Tianchang had some other ideas.

The eyes of those people at the banquet today let Qiao Tianchang know clearly. In the next days, the general's office of Zhenguo may not be peaceful, especially the eyes of nangongche when he knew the identity of Yaoyao. The eyes made him wish nangongche's eyes could be removed.

"I will call the rest back." Qiao Tianchang suddenly opens his mouth.

"The rest?" Ning Mengyao blinks a little accidentally, not knowing what Qiao Tianchang means.

Qiao Tianchang reached out and rubbed Ning Mengyao's head. His mouth was slightly crooked: "they are the same as luo'an and Lin Ziyou, but they perform their respective duties. After the war, they haven't come out of the training place all the time. There are ten people in total, but their abilities are not weak. I will be relieved if they are in the general's mansion."

"So it is." Ning Mengyao nodded clearly, but she didn't ask any more questions. She was just curious about what those people were like.

Hearing this, Yufeng suddenly smiled: "it seems that our preparation is in vain."

"Yes?" At the same time, they looked at Yu Feng, with doubts in their eyes.

"When we came, we found that the military division beside nangongche was from Nanjiang. Not only that, but also they had just developed the medicine to control people's mind and spirit. The man was going to use it on xiaoyao'er and let you use it for them." Yu Feng looked at Ning Mengyao and said word by word.

"What's the matter with wind control?" Meiruolin didn't know about it. Suddenly, she heard Yufeng say that the whole person was hairy. She wanted to make her baby sister a puppet. She didn't allow such a thing to happen.

Looking at the excited meiruolin, Yufeng has a headache. I knew that she would not say it at this time: "OK, don't be excited, listen to me."

"Hurry up." Merlin's impatient haste.

"Nangongche is not so excellent as it is said, but he has a military division nearby."