Ling Luo looks at Xiao Zixuan in silence: "I have no feelings for you."

Xiao Zixuan didn't care about this at all, just looked at Ling Luo: "who do you have feelings for? Ningmengyao? Stop laughing. "

If you have feelings for her, Ning Mengyao will not be the general's wife, she will be the princess of Lingwu mansion.

Ling Luo glanced at Xiao Zixuan and said, "it's none of your business."

"It has nothing to do with me." Xiao Zixuan laughs, but she wants to see how Ling Luo gets back to Ning Mengyao.

Have Qiao Tianchang such an outstanding man in, she still can see Ling Luo this crooked melon shriveled date? Xiao Zixuan thought it was impossible.

Xiao Zixuan didn't want to see Lingluo's face. After she got the result she wanted, she turned around and left. She went back to her yard and looked at her child in the cradle. She had a maternal glow on her face: "baby, you are the only one in my mother. No matter what, my mother will cure you. Don't be afraid."

Looking at the back of Xiao Zixuan's departure, Ling Luo's brain was full of her words, and her expression was a little embarrassed. Would he not understand Xiao Zixuan's meaning?

But even if that's the case, so what? He is sure that Ning Mengyao will come back to him.

Thinking of this, Lingluo went to Lingwu Hou and told him about it. Lingwu Hou also agreed with Lingluo's decision. As long as ningmengyao can be his daughter-in-law, Lingwu Hou's mansion will rise and rise. Even Xiao Qifeng will have to give them three points of courtesy.

Once things got to that point, he had a way to make Xiao Qifeng regret what he had done to Lingwu Houfu.

"It's up to you to do it. You must do it well." Lingwuhou looked at Lingluo and said seriously.

Lingluo nodded, "I know."

He wants to succeed more than lingwuhou. He has feelings for ningmengyao. Now that he has this opportunity, he will certainly agree.

With the support of Lingwu Hou, Lingluo went to the general's mansion.

As soon as he got to the door, he was stopped. Lingluo looked at them and said, "I want to see general Joe."

"The general has no time." The man at the door said without blinking.

"What is he doing?"

"We don't know." These people are just opening their eyes to tell lies. Just now they saw that the general accompanied his wife, and his sister and brother-in-law went out to play. However, the general ordered that no matter who came, they would not say anything, except king Qi and the emperor.

Lingluo took a look at them and saw that their expression was not like a lie, so she could only turn around and leave with half a doubt.

However, on the way back, Lingluo saw that Qiao Tianchang was shopping with Ning Mengyao. He was so leisurely and busy.

His face suddenly turned ugly. He was played by others.

Ling Luo walked towards them and said, "Yao'er, why are you here?"

Ning Mengyao raised her eyebrows and looked at him: "why can't I be here? Is it possible that I'm not allowed here? "

"I don't mean that."

"What do you mean then?" Ningmengyao looks at him ironically, and asks himself in a reasonable way what he wants to do. Isn't it easy?

Lingluo's face was a little stiff, and he was dissatisfied with Ning Mengyao's expression: "Yao'er, do you really want to do this to me?"

Ningmengyao is directly elated by Qi. What does she do? To be accused like this?

"What did Tianchang do?"

"Nothing. Let's go back. My brother-in-law and I think they have arrived." They ordered a meal in Xiao Qitian's tavern and just went out to have a look before, but it was disgusting to meet such a person unexpectedly.

Ling Luo looks at Qiao Tianchang: "this is my business with Yao'er. It has nothing to do with you."

Qiao Tianchang looked at Ling Luo with a smile and said calmly, "she is my wife, her business is my business."

"Yao'er hates such people the most."

"Yao Yao do you hate me?"

"Why?" Whether Joe Tianchang is acting in front of Lingluo or not, she has never hated him and will never hate him.

"Lingluo, don't disturb my life again. I'm fine now."