She does have a good life now, so she doesn't need him to think about herself.

Ling Luo looked at Ning Mengyao for a while and then said, "Yao'er, come back to me."

The breath on Qiao Tianchang's body suddenly changed into Sen Leng, digging the wall in front of him, when he was a dead man?

A few steps came to Ling Luo's side, grabbed his collar and punched him in the face.

Look at Lingluo: "I don't care what kind of relationship you had, but now Yaoyao is my wife. Lingluo, you'd better stay away from Yaoyao."

Ning Mengyao stood at the side of indifference, it seems that she did not see Lingluo being beaten and injured.

"Let's go." Ning Mengyao suddenly opens her mouth. She doesn't want to continue to entangle with this man.

Qiao Tianchang nodded and turned to Ning Mengyao. However, at the moment when he turned around, the wind suddenly came from behind.

His eyes narrowed slightly and his body smelled cold. When Ling Luo wanted to hit Qiao Tianchang on the back, Qiao Tianchang turned around and raised his hand to catch his attack.

In the face of Ning Mengyao, he didn't want to go too far, but Lingluo was in debt. He smiled coldly: "you want to die, I'll make it up to you."

Qiao Tianchang pushes Ning Mengyao to the side and asks her to leave the battle circle, then turns to Ling Luo.

Although Lingluo has been practicing martial arts since he came here, his practical experience is not as good as Qiao Tianchang.

Who is Joe Tianchang? The general of the state of Xiao has the same existence as the God of war. His martial arts can be said to be practiced between life and death. How could Lingluo fight Qiao Tianchang who climbed out of the dead.

Soon, Qiao Tianchang won the upper hand. No, to be exact, Lingluo has no power to fight back since they got on each other. The whole person was beaten by Qiao Tianchang.

Finally, Joe Tianchang buttoned Ling Luo's neck to end the fight.

Qiao Tianchang looked at Lingluo with a cold face: "Lingluo, I have a bad temper. Don't challenge my limits." Finish saying heavy push, push people away, go to Ning Mengyao's side: "let's go, daughter-in-law."

"Good." Ningmengyao smiled and nodded, and took the handkerchief to wipe some dirt on his face.

Lingluo doesn't even look at Ning Mengyao. Instead, she is so close to Qiao Tianchang. Her eyes are full of haze and hatred.

He won't let others get what he can't get, no matter who he is.

Ling Luo looked at those people who were watching the bustle with a gloomy face: "what are you looking at? Roll. "

The people around were frightened by Lingluo's cannibalism. They hurriedly dodged, but they still whispered something.

Walking on the road, Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao: "do you blame me for hitting him?"

"Why blame you?" Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang in surprise, with doubts in her eyes, as if she doesn't understand Qiao Tianchang's meaning.

Qiao Tianchang was stunned. He only saw that Ning Mengyao was silent and didn't want to talk, so he asked such a question.

"It's OK. Let's go." Just don't blame him.

Ning Mengyao gave Qiao Tianchang a funny look: "you are my husband, he has nothing to do with me, no matter what you do, I will not blame you." Moreover, Lingluo's provocation was the first.

Hearing Ning Mengyao's "you are my husband", Qiao Tianchang's face appeared a surprise smile, and the little uneasiness in his heart disappeared completely.

When they arrived at the tavern, Mei Ruolin and her husband and wife had already arrived. Looking at the two late comers, Yu Feng smilingly said to them, "what's wrong with them when they come so late?" That's not flat enough.

Ning Mengyao looked at Yu Feng with black lines and said without words, "brother in law, can you have a healthy mind?"

Yu Feng blinks innocently: "how can I think ill? Did you misinterpret me

Ningmengyao's brain is like beating Yufeng.

"Yao Yao don't care about him, he just wants to be dissatisfied." Qiao Tianchang said without surprise.

Yufeng was just drinking tea. Hearing Qiao Tianchang's words, he took a sip of tea and sprayed it directly. He reached out to Qiao Tianchang with trembling hands: "what do you say, dead boy? Tell me again. "