Joe Tianchang glanced at Yufeng and snorted, "besides, even if you want to be dissatisfied."

"Son of a bitch, you need to fight." Yu Feng jumped up from his chair and looked at Qiao Tianchang in a gloomy way.

"Brother in law, are you angry because you are being said?" What do you say you're so excited about?

"The little girl is becoming more and more unlovable. Be careful no one wants it." Yufeng bites her teeth. This girl can't fight or scold herself. Can she still say that?

However, Ning Mengyao didn't give him the chance, and said rudely, "I've got married."

Yufeng looks at ningmengyao with a twitch at the corner of his mouth. It seems that he really forgot about it.

"Thanks to our incessant efforts to find you, that's how you treat us? Is there any other reason? " Yufeng said it was a lament, as if he had been wronged.

He looks like this, let Ning Mengyao two people forehead blue tendon jump ceaselessly.

"Sister Mei has collected the evil spirit, and saved the trouble." Her brother-in-law will be windy from time to time, and when he is windy, only Mei Ruolin can collect people.

Meiruolin took a look at Yufeng and said, "you've done enough. You can go back and forth where you want."

Yu Feng immediately calmed down and did not speak, as if the person who was just blowing and nervous was not him.

The speed of these changes makes Joe speechless. That's enough.

"How can you come so late, Xiaoyao?" Meiruolin asked, looking at the two men with frowns.

Not to say this is OK, said this, Ning Mengyao's eyes are full of disgust.

"I met Lingluo on the way." Ningmengyao doesn't even want to mention Lingluo's name now.

Meiruolin's face turned very gloomy: "he has come to trouble you again?"

Ning Mengyao is a little fidgety with her forehead: "if you don't say this, you will feel sick."

A man who has been dirty, but also want her to come back to him, it is shameless. How could she not find Lingluo's potential to be a bad man before?

"Since you don't want to say it, I won't ask, just don't let myself be bullied." Meiruolin saw that she didn't want to say, so she didn't dig the root and dig the bottom. She just watched her whisper.

Ning Mengyao nodded, "don't worry, elder sister, of course I won't be bullied." Now she doesn't bully people. Those people will burn Gao Xiang. Who will bully her without long eyes.

He reached out and pinched Ning Mengyao's face: "you, too, should be careful not to be calculated."

This girl is so simple. She is really afraid that she will be calculated by those people. I'm afraid something will happen then.

"I know. Isn't there another day?" Ning Mengyao knows Mei Ruolin's meaning. In their eyes, she is just a simple girl. She can't do anything at ease. If she isn't married now, I'm afraid they can take her back forcibly.

Ning Mengyao is right. Mei Ruolin and her parents wanted to do this, but later they gave up the idea. After all, Ning Mengyao has married and has a family of her own. They can't pack and take people away directly as she was when she was alone.

Walking to Mei Ruolin's side, Ning Mengyao reached out and took her arm: "sister Mei, I know you are worried about me, but now I have Tianchang, no one will hurt me."

Mei Ruolin took a complex look at Ning Mengyao, then nodded helplessly: "since you say that, I believe him."

Yu Feng looked at Qiao Tianchang and said sternly, "I hope you take Xiaoyao's safety as the first, no matter what you want to do in the future. She is our treasure."

"She's my baby, too." Qiao Tianchang didn't give Yu Feng any guarantee, just said so.

Ningmengyao has been hurt once. This time, nothing will hurt her again. Whoever wants to hurt him, he must be aware of death.

Yufeng looks at Qiao Tianchang for a long time before he looks away.