People's eyes shifted from Qiao Tianchang to Nan Yu. He meant

"Eyes." Facing the public's sight, Nanyu just said two words.

In addition to seeing such purity in children's eyes, he only saw it in ningmengyao's body. If it is owned by others, it really makes him want to destroy such beautiful eyes.

But that's their boss's wife. He thinks it's very good. The boss will be very good with her.

When they heard this, they could not help but think of Ning Mengyao's eyes and nodded at the moment.

At the same time, they all agreed with Nanyu's words.

"Well, Nanyu is mainly looking at your sister-in-law. Don't let nangongche keep him away from your sister-in-law."

"Don't worry, boss." When he came back, Qiao Tianchang told him that there was a man from the other side of Nanjiang beside nangongche.

Thinking of the people in the south of Xinjiang, Nanyu's eyes are full of murderous spirit, and his body is also cold with murderous spirit. The king Gu is also a little restless. He has never forgotten his hatred for the south of Xinjiang, and he is waiting for revenge in the south one day.

Dozens of people in their family will not die in vain. It's his. He wants all of them.

When Qiao Tianchang saw the breath on Nanyu's body, he immediately frowned and held his shoulder: "be quiet. Sooner or later, you can get revenge. Now control yourself. Do you want to be backfired?" For Gu Wang, although Nanyu has been under full control, it is only occasionally backfired. Every time Nanyu is backfired, they all feel a little distressed.

Nanyu pressed down the hatred in his heart and pulled his mouth stiffly: "don't worry, boss, I will be OK."

Looking at Nanyu, Qiao Tianchang was still a little uneasy. He reached out and patted him on the shoulder: "I've been waiting for many years, and I don't care about this one or two years."

A lot of things have been calculated by them. If they lose the credit to Kui because of him at this time, it's really not worth the loss.

Nanyu looked down and nodded after a long time: "I know, boss."

Yes, he has been waiting for many years, ten years, ten years.

Every day when I fall asleep, my parents will appear in my dream. They keep telling him that they are unwilling to let him revenge.

At this time, he would like to go back to the south of Xinjiang and kill those people. Even if they died together, they should also be buried for his family.

But not until this time, the eldest brother they will press him and stop him.

He knew that his strength was not enough to fight against Nanjiang, so he could only gather his strength secretly. He should be happy, after all, his younger brother has returned to Nanjiang.

"Don't think so much about Nanyu, boss will help you." Seeing this, Lei An clapped his shoulder and said comfortingly.

They grew up almost together. He didn't want Nanyu to be blinded by hatred.

Nanyu nodded and didn't speak, just looked at the front tightly pursed lips, that way, let Qiao Tianchang shake their heads helplessly.

Maybe he will be better after the Revenge of Nanyu.

Suddenly quiet down Nanyu, a riot: "boss I go out for a while." After that, regardless of their worries, they turned around and left.

This feeling can't be wrong.

The Gu king in the body is restless, which shows that there are people on the south side of Xinjiang around him.

Following the position that Gu Wang felt, Nanyu, far away, saw ningmengyao stopped by a scholar, who was the one who gave himself this feeling.

It seems that this man is what the boss said. He came from southern Xinjiang.

Down the heart hate, a cold face toward Ning Mengyao walk: "sister in law, the boss let me come to see you."

Ningmengyao had intended to go back, but was stopped by this man, and said something inexplicable.

Especially when he was near, Ning Mengyao was a little stiff.

Nanyu's nose moved a little, and a strange smile came out from the corner of his mouth. This man even got the special fragrance from Nanjiang on his sister-in-law.

"What I said, Mrs. Ning, I hope you think it's only good for you." The scholar took a look at Nanyu and then said to Ning Mengyao.