When the scholar wanted to leave, Nanyu suddenly put his hand on ningmengyao's shoulder and took a small insect from her shoulder.

"I'd better take back the small things that can't be put on the table. It's a shame to save them here." Then he threw the insect at the scholar.

As soon as the scholar's face changed, he caught the insects flying towards him and spread out his hands, but he saw that the insects inside had lost their breath.

His face suddenly turned ugly. This man The scholar's eyes fell on Nanyu. This cold faced man is a master. Is he also a man from Nanjiang?

Although he thinks so in his heart, he is soon denied in his heart. It's impossible. If someone comes out from the south of Xinjiang, he has no reason not to know.

Ningmengyao used to wonder how Nanyu suddenly came here. Now he understands. With the action of Nanyu and what he said to the scholar, ningmengyao understands that this man has put something on himself that should not be put.

His face gradually turned cold, and turned cold and ugly for a moment.

"It seems that lingguo wants to be the enemy of me. If so, I will accompany you. Let's go on Nanyu island." Ning Mengyao looks at the changed face of the student and turns to leave.

The scholar looked at the sound of Ning Mengyao leaving, and Nan Yu stood there looking at the scholar. No one could know how much he wanted to kill the man in front of him with his cold expression.

This is the man who killed his family.

Although his appearance has changed a little now, there is no difference.

The eyes turn red gradually, and the king Gu, who is sleeping in his body, wakes up because of his mood.

The scholar's body suddenly stiffened, and he looked at the cold faced man named Nan Yu with some vigilance.

In front, I found that ningmengyao, who did not follow Nanyu, frowned. The smell of this man was too strong.

Turning back, Ning Mengyao came to him and felt the surging Qi and blood, frowned slightly, and put his hands on his back quietly.

The cool feeling flashed from the brain for a moment, and the red in Nanyu's eyes gradually faded away.

After noticing that his breath was not so heavy, Ning Mengyao just put down his own time: "go back, some things lingguo still think about how to explain to my wife."

"It's sister-in-law." Nanyu takes a look at Ning Mengyao and suddenly feels that this sister-in-law is mysterious, at least more mysterious than they think.

Looking at Ning Mengyao leaving with Nanyu, the scholar's face was very dignified. Just now, if Ning Mengyao didn't turn around suddenly, he really worried that he would be killed by the man in front of him.

"Poof" the scholar spouted blood.

He reached out and wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth. His face gradually became dignified. One of the two masters would suppress him to this point.

Ningmengyao takes Nanyu back. When he arrives at the general's office, Nanyu suddenly says, "can you tell the elder brother what happened to her just now?"

"That man has a feud with you?"

"Well, the Revenge of extermination." The scholar is under the king of Nanjiang, and he is also a very powerful role. Unexpectedly, he was sent out by the king of Nanjiang for the sake of Gu king.

Not only sent them out, but also came to the prince of the state of Ling. What are they doing.

"I know, I won't tell them, but you are afraid that you will see people often in the future. I don't want to happen again today, do you understand?" Ning Mengyao looked at Nanyu and asked seriously.

She didn't want things in Nanyu to break their plan.

After a long silence, Nan Yu nodded, "I will control myself."

Ning Mengyao nodded and said he knew.

"That's good. Let's go." Ning Mengyao doesn't ask more about Nanyu.

See two people come back together, Qiao Tianchang their eyes with doubt, expression also some accidents: "you this is?"

"I met him in the street. If he didn't pass by, I'm afraid I would bring back something I shouldn't have." Thinking of that scholar, Ning Mengyao's eyes are full of concealment.

She doesn't like being threatened.