Qiao Tianchang's face sank. If he didn't understand what it meant, he didn't have to go on living with the bag cover. He took a look at Nanyu and said, "what's the matter?"

Nanyu was silent for a while, and then said, "I went out because Gu Wang felt the presence of insects nearby. When I passed by, I saw my sister-in-law was with that person, and there was a child Gu in her mother Gu."

Although the insect is on ningmengyao's body, it will not take long for it to climb to ningmengyao's skin, and then drill in. It is different from other insects, and it is also the most difficult to defend.

And this kind of Gu is very troublesome even if there is a Gu king. If Ning Mengyao is really attracted by Gu, her life will be connected with the owner of the female Gu. The female Gu lives and the child Gu lives.

"What do you mean?" Qiao Tianchang didn't understand the insects very well.

Nanyu thinks about it and tells Qiao Tianchang about the danger of the insect.

After Qiao Tianchang listened, the cup in his hand was pinched to pieces, and the water flowed down the fingers.

"All right." Qiao Tianchang said happily.

"Yes." Ningmengyao nodded. Nangongche was the person they had been guarding against. Unexpectedly, his military division came to do it by himself. He thought it would be safer in the public.

But it's true, because no one would believe that he would do it on the street.

"Yao Yao must take Nanyu when going out." Nanyu island is the most sensitive to Gu Chong. This time they didn't succeed. He believes that they will soon start again. He can't let ningmengyao have an accident.

Ningmengyao was silent for a long time, but nodded: "I know."


"Don't worry, boss. As long as my sister-in-law goes out, I will follow." Nanyu also nods to promise.

Qiao Tianchang thoroughly relieved: "what does he want to do?"

Ning Xuan wants to look at Qiao Tianchang. He is thinking about whether to tell him about it. After thinking for a long time, when Qiao Tianchang wants to talk again, Ning Mengyao says, "the scholar said that he wants me to leave with you, and then he will marry nangongche and become her side princess."

If you know that Ning Mengyao is almost calculated to be angry, you are furious now.

"Let's get you and me together?"

"Yes." Lei'an on the edge has started to subconsciously retreat to the edge. Only Ning Mengyao, like he didn't realize his anger, is still sitting there.

Looking at Ning Mengyao's calm face, lei'an and his wife kneel down. They are so powerful. They are all in admiration.

Angry, quick and smiling, Qiao Tianchang suddenly smiled, but the smile was ferocious no matter how he looked.

"Boss, are you ok?" Ryan swallowed his saliva and asked in some uncertainty.

He has never seen the boss like this before. Does that mean that the boss is angry?

Qiao Tianchang glanced at Ryan and said, "what can I do?"

Lei An looks at Qiao Tianchang in silence. He wants to say that if you're angry, you can say it directly. They won't laugh at him. But Lei an dare not say it. He's afraid to say it and be thrown out by Qiao Tianchang.

After several steps back and pushing to a safe place, Ryan watched Qiao Tianchang: "what are you going to do, boss?"

"What to do?" Of course, what to do.

He's not one of them. After being bullied, he doesn't know how to fight back.

Qiao Tianchang, like that, let Lei An silently pray for nangongche and them together in his heart, hoping that they would not die too tragically.

Two days later, when nangongche mentioned again that he was going to marry Xiao Guo, Qiao Tianchang took out one thing before Xiao Qifeng spoke.

"Before the prince of Nangong said about the marriage, I would like to ask where the palace maids of the place where the country of mausoleum is located have gone." Qiao Tianchang's voice is very flat, as if it's just a very small thing, no big deal.

Nangong Che's face changed and looked at Qiao Tianchang coldly: "what do you mean?"