Qiao Tianchang sneers at nangongche: "what do you mean? Among the palaces, there are about 20 palace maids, but there are less than 10 palace maids locked in the mausoleum. I'm curious about where the remaining ten maids have gone. "

Nangong Che's face changed. He looked at the scholar on the edge subconsciously. The scholar's brow was also slightly wrinkled.

"We don't know about it. I don't know how the general knows about it." When Nangong Che did not know how to answer, Nangong Yue looked up at her and asked lightly.

"That's right. How do you know? Are you watching us?" Nangongche listens to nangongyue's words and follows closely.

Qiao Tianchang looks at nangongche in silence, and his eyes fall on nangongyue. This princess is worthy of being the most beloved Princess of the mausoleum emperor.

"Bring it up." Qiao Tianchang said with a light expression.

Soon, Lei An and Nan Yu brought in a body, which was the body of a palace maid.

Seeing the body full of holes, Xiao Qifeng frowned tightly, and his eyes fell on Qiao Tianchang's body: "what's Tianchang's problem?"

"Yesterday I took Mengyao to Houshan to hunt and found it on the mountain." Qiao Tianchang looks at Xiao Qifeng's eyes with a slightly calm and impetuous look.

Seeing Qiao Tianchang's appearance, Xiao Qifeng was a little confused. He didn't understand what he wanted to do.

Finally, Xiao Qifeng was silent and did not speak, quietly watching the development of things.

"You take a corpse found in the back hill and say we did it. General Joe, you are very deceiving." Nangong Che's face was very ugly. He looked at Qiao Tianchang.

However, the scholars around me frowned. Did they find anything?

"Nangong Prince is in a hurry. Let's listen to Zhuo and talk about the cause of her death." Qiao Tianchang looks at nangongche with unknown meaning.

Qiao Tianchang is not so much looking at nangongche as his eyes are on the scholar.

The scholar's scalp was numb by Qiao Tianchang's eyes. Even Xiao Qifeng didn't make her feel like this.

Zhuzuo soon arrived and examined the corpses on the ground.

Finally he said, "emperor qizou, the maid has many scars on her body. Besides, her nails are covered with scurf and bloodstains. She left scratches on her partner's body before her death. Not only that, the maid's body is full of insects." At the same time of speaking, Zhuozhuo scratched her hand out of her arm. At the moment of his scratched, the insects inside came out of the hole and ran quickly to one side.

Seeing the insects, Nanyu quickly opened the wine jar in his hand and poured it on them. Then he took out a torch and lit it and threw it on the insects stained with wine.

Then, the insects made a shrill cry. At the same time, the body of the palace maid was eaten by the insects for a moment, and even the skeleton could not be left. After that, the insects rushed towards the fire one after another, followed by a shrill cry and a pungent smell.

When the worms were all burned, the scholar took a breath of blood and his face was full of pain.

Seeing this scene, Qiao Tianchang had a sinister smile on his lips: "what's wrong with this gentleman?"

Nanyu looked at the scholar and said, "I've been backfired by the insects."

At this time, if Xiao Qifeng doesn't understand it, he is really a big fool.

Looking at nangongche coldly, "I hope Nangong crown prince can explain to me what's going on here, and play the poisonous insects in my palace girl's body?"

"Here This is his nonsense. The prince's people were injured before, and the recurrence of the old injury would be like this. " Nangongche knows what will happen if he admits such a thing. No one knows.

However, Xiao Qifeng is not the kind of person who will be bewitched by his words.

He gave nangongche a cold look and said, "now I don't know what to do. I'm afraid that I'm going to have trouble sleeping and eating. I'll go to the palace to search for him. In addition, I'll ask the royal doctor to come and have a good look at this gentleman to see if he's hurt and if the old injury recurred."