Xiao Qifeng's face is very ugly. Nangongche, though angry, can't do anything about it. After all, their behavior has been doubted. If they don't lift their doubts, it's hard to stay here. Moreover, they have to give lingguo a big explanation.

Lei An takes people to the palace. Feng Shuo sits in a chair and looks at the development of things. His eyes fall on the scholar, with a slight taunt on the corner of his mouth.

The royal doctor came soon and spoke after he felt the pulse for the scholar: "this gentleman is injured, yes, but the injury is not very serious."

"Then why does he spit blood?" Xiao Qifeng ignored Nangong Che's face and asked in a cold voice.

"It's backfired. As for why, I can't find out." The imperial doctor thought and said.

"It's impossible. You're insulting us." Nangong Che immediately jumped up and said angrily.

Nangong Yue just wants to stand up and slap Nangong Che twice. Does that mean that? What a fool.

The old royal doctor's face was very ugly. Looking at the Nangong prince, he said angrily, "what do you mean, Nangong prince? Are you suspicious of Weichen's conduct and medical ethics? " People who practice medicine and are skilled in medicine are very angry in the face of those who doubt themselves, especially at this time.

Nangong Che took a look at the old royal doctor and snorted coldly, "who knows if you are colluding?"

This is not only nangongyue, but also the scholar, who is looking at nangongche with an iron face.

Xiao Qifeng looked at Nangong Che with a sneer, while fengshuo said sarcastically, "did the prince of Nangong see who went out?"

"It has nothing to do with the prince." Nangongche's attitude is very bad.

Feng Shuo chuckles and stops talking.

Xiao Qifeng glanced at Nangong Che and said, "I don't think there's anything wrong with Prince Feng's words. Just now, nobody went out here. Nangong prince said collusion? I want to ask you how I colluded. "

Nangongche did not speak, but the meaning was very obvious.

"In that case, we should invite all the famous doctors in the capital city. One doctor and two doctors should be chosen to give the gentleman a pulse. How about that?"

"Who knows if you'll do it again." Nangongche still doesn't want to.

Xiao Qifeng said, "people from all over the world can send people they can trust to follow."

If nangongche doesn't agree with this, he is telling others what the lingguo really has.

So before nangongche refused again, nangongyue said, "OK."

Nangong Che turned to look at Nangong Yue: "it's not up to you to decide."

The scholar frowned. Now he didn't care about nangongche. He was thinking about how the body of the palace maid was found by Qiao Tianchang.

Fengguo and several other countries sent several people out, so did Xiaoguo. Finally nangongche had to send several people to follow him.

Half an hour later, Lin Ziyou came back with all the people, followed by more than ten doctors, all of whom are well-known doctors in the capital, and their skills are obvious to all.

"The grass people have seen the emperor."

"I'm going to call you today. It's the envoys of lingguo who are not in good health. Let's have a look."

Doctor, look at me, I look at you, and I mutter to myself, is there no royal doctor in the palace? But they can only say this in their hearts, which they dare not say face to face.


Each country has chosen a doctor to pulse the scholar, and the results are almost the same as those of the old doctor just now.

He vomited blood not because the old wound recurred, but because he was backfired.

"Send them out, and remember to shut up if you don't have to." Xiao Qifeng looked at them coldly.

"It's the emperor, the people remember." If anyone dares to disagree with me, I'll tell you.

After people left, Xiao Qifeng looked at Nangong Che: "I don't know what else Nangong prince can say?"

"This time, it's the people we're looking for together, and they're chosen by each other. Can't the prince of Nangong say it's collusion? Or do you want to say that some of our countries conspire to frame you? " The prince of Haiguo looks at nangongche with a smile. No matter what he looks like, he is gloating.