Qiao Tianchang looked at Xiao Qifeng's nervous and anxious look, his eyes narrowed slightly: "where did you hear that?"

"Tianchang, will you tell me first?" Xiao Qifeng doesn't have time for Qiao Tianchang to say this now. He needs to make sure of something.

Ning Mengyao looks at Xiao Qifeng and says, "what do you want to do with this?"

Xiao Qifeng helplessly looks at Ning Mengyao and can only explain to them.

"It's about our aunt."

"Yes?" Ning Mengyao looks at Xiao Qifeng and doesn't understand what he means.

Xiao Qifeng looks at Ning Mengyao with a complicated expression. He looks at the crescent birthmark behind her rather than at Ning Mengyao.

"The most important thing is because of yourself." Xiao Qifeng looks at Ning Mengyao like this. She probably won't tell them.

Ningmengyao frowned, and the confusion on her face became more obvious. What did he mean.

"What do you mean?"

Qiao Tianchang looks at Xiao Qifeng and feels that his head is in chaos.

After seeing the couple for two times, Xiao Qifeng asked them to send out all the people around, and soon only four of them were left in the room.

When there were only four of them left in the room, Xiao Qifeng said, "I think Mengyao would be curious about this birthmark, right?"

Ningmengyao can't deny the special curiosity of xiaoqifeng.

"We would not be so surprised if your birthmark appeared on the man." Xiao Qifeng slowly opens his mouth in the calm eyes of ningmengyao.

Ning Mengyao frowned, always thinking that Xiao Qifeng should not be allowed to continue talking, as if there would be a complete change.

"You don't have to say that." Ning Mengyao suddenly opens his mouth and interrupts Xiao Qifeng's words.

Xiao Qifeng's body is slightly stiff. He looks at Ning Mengyao bitterly. Finally, according to her meaning, he doesn't go on.

"When do you want to know? You can ask me. I just want to ask you now, is Nangong Yan your father?" Xiao Qifeng reluctantly compromises, but at last he asks his own questions.

Ning Mengyao frowned slightly and looked at Xiao Qifeng. "It's possible that 70-80% of them are."

When Xiao Qifeng heard this, he suddenly became silent and said, "it is indeed so."

"You What do you mean? "

Xiao Qifeng looks at Ning Mengyao's face. Now think about it, she is very similar to her aunt.

"Nangongyan, the Regent of lingguo, had a great connection with her aunt before her disappearance. After her disappearance, nangongyan almost started a war." Xiao Qifeng tells ningmengyao some royal records.

Ningmengyao some do not understand: "why does this happen."

"When my aunt was pregnant, she refused to say who the father of the child was. At last, my father forced my aunt to marry. At last, my aunt forced her to die. It seems that she almost died. No one knows what happened after that." He thought that his aunt should still be alive, otherwise there would be no Ning Mengyao.

Ningmengyao is even more confused. Since he is still alive, where did he go?

"I'm a bit confused about what you said." Ning Mengyao looks at Xiao Qifeng with a headache.

Xiao Qifeng also shook his head helplessly: "I'm not very clear. I'm afraid that only my father and aunt knew what was going on at that time." They can know that these are all based on some childhood memories and surveys, others, they really don't know.

Ning Mengyao looked at Xiao Qifeng and said, "what's your purpose today?"

"Nangong Yan is more feared than the rumor. More than ten years ago, he was famous all over the world." Xiao Qifeng's eyebrows were full of worry.

Ning Mengyao suddenly felt that Xiao Qifeng was actually a very good Emperor: "don't worry, he won't do well."

In recent years, Nangong Yan has almost faded out of the center of power, just constantly looking for Xiao Chengya.

"I hope so." Xiao Qifeng sighed and said helplessly.

"Qifeng, what you want to think about now are those people from behind the mausoleum. Nangong Yan will not do anything to Xiao." Qiao Tianchang didn't know why Xiao Qifeng put his eyes on Nangong Yan.