Xiao Qifeng knew that Qiao Tianchang was right: "I don't pay attention to those people from the mausoleum. Now it's mainly Nangong Yan's attitude."

As long as Nangong Yan doesn't help those people, he has enough assurance to let them take off their skins twice. But if Nangong Yan adds it, it won't be so easy.

"Let it be, don't worry." Qiao Tianchang naturally understood Xiao Qifeng's worry. After all, the emperor of the mausoleum was able to calculate nangongyan, which shows the ability of nangongyan.

Ningmengyao also thinks Xiao Qifeng's worry is unnecessary. She looks at Xiao Qifeng and says, "what kind of person is nangongyan in your impression?"


"And don't look at anyone."

"In that case, what are you worried about?" Ning Mengyao looks at them.

A person who doesn't pay attention to anyone will help because of the words of Emperor Ling? It's impossible at all.

"What do you mean?"

"The way that Emperor Ling can talk about nangongyan is that I may be his daughter. After searching for nangongyan for more than ten years, I don't think he has investigated anything." The mysterious person they said before was Nangong Yan.

If it's Nangong Yan, he will promise the emperor to come here this time. He's just looking for a chance to be aboveboard. As for the order of the Emperor What does that have to do with him?

"Yao Yao is right. The reason why Nangong Yan agrees is probably just for a chance to be aboveboard."

Listening to their words, Xiao Qifeng's eyes flashed with a thoughtful light. What they said is very reasonable.

"According to that, nangongyan doesn't pay attention to the so-called envoys of lingguo. Do you mean that?" Xiao Qitian on the edge looked at them weakly and carefully said his own ideas.

Qiao Tianchang nodded: "that's right. I can't say. He will be happy to see it come true when we deal with lingguo."

When Ning Mengyao thought about the information at that time, she had some reflections in her eyes. I'm afraid that the reason why Princess Chengya was separated from nangongyan at that time was also related to the mausoleum emperor. Nangongyan would take care of him. That's really strange.

"In those days, Nangong Yan failed to be with Princess Chengya. I'm afraid that the emperor of mausoleum did something in the middle." Ningmengyao looked at them, and suddenly felt that things seemed very complicated. What happened at that time was probably only known by nangongyan and the party concerned.

"We don't know that very well." For this, Xiao Qifeng has no impression.

"Don't worry about that, brother. Now just focus on the envoys." Xiao Qitian didn't think that the emperor would just let it go.

Xiao Qifeng nodded, "I know."

The four people stayed in the room for a long time. They didn't leave until at night. As for what they talked about later, only four of them probably knew.

After that day, Xiao Qifeng and his wife were busy driving.

Three days later, Qiao Tianchang and they received the news that nangongyan had arrived in the capital.

When learning the news, Ning Mengyao pauses to help Qiao Tianchang make clothes and frowns tightly.

"Don't worry." Aware of his strange Qiao Tianchang, the comfort of the soft voice.

Ning Mengyao pulled out a smile and nodded.

When nangongyan arrived in the capital, he went directly to the Imperial Palace, although he wanted to go to the general's office of Zhenguo at once.

"I have seen emperor Xiao."

"The Regent is very kind." Xiao Qifeng has a light smile on his face, a slight hook on the corner of his mouth, and a thoughtful look on his face.

"I'm here today just to make it clear to Emperor Xiao that I'm here for Xiao." Nangong Yan saw Xiao Qifeng's thoughtful appearance and spoke out.

Xiao Qifeng picked up his eyebrows and said, "I'd like to hear the details."

"To be honest with emperor Xiao, I came to effect for the general's wife." Nangong Yan didn't hide anything, she said directly.

Xiao Qifeng was stunned. It seems that he didn't expect to say so.

"So it is. The envoys of the Ling state..."

"The envoys of the mausoleum have nothing to do with the king."