Xiao Qifeng looked at nangongyan as if he was looking at it. He said whether it was true or not. Nangongyan laughed loudly: "I didn't ask about these things more than ten years ago. My purpose now is ningmengyao."

Xiao Qifeng looked at Nangong Yan without hesitation: "since this is the case, I wish the Regent the result he wanted."

Nangong Yan was stunned, and then it became clear that as an emperor of a country, if he didn't even know these things, he should consider abdication.

"In that case, the king borrowed the emperor's good words." Nangong Yan said with a smile, but she couldn't wait.

"The Regent should go to the palace to have a rest. Tomorrow, let Qi Tian take you to the general's office of Zhenguo." He did it for a purpose.

Although Ning Mengyao knew that Nangong Yan might be her father, he was afraid that he was a little bit resistant. He still gave Ning Mengyao a time to adapt. Suddenly, he was embarrassed.

Xiao Qifeng can think of nangongyan naturally. As Ning Mengyao, it's not difficult to know this, so he nodded his head and agreed.

"Then trouble Xiao Huang."

"You are welcome. Take the regent to the palace to have a rest."

After sending nangongyan away, Xiao Qifeng thought about it, put down the matter in his hand and went to the general's house of the town in disguise.

"Tianchang, I come to Mengyao today for the purpose that you all know." Xiao Qifeng looked at them, his face full of seriousness.


"Nangong Yan has arrived. He will come tomorrow."

Ningmengyao frowned and resisted such things.

"I I don't want to see him. " Ningmengyao lowered her eyes, and after a long time, she said such a sentence, but they were all stunned.

Xiao Qifeng frowned at Ning Mengyao: "why?"

"No reason." Ningmengyao didn't want to explain it too much. She promised that she would help her find her parents, but now her father finds them, she feels a sense of being close to the countryside. She is afraid to see nangongyan, or even know what happened in those days.

What else did Xiao Qifeng want to say? Qiao Tianchang stopped him: "we know about Qifeng. Go back to the Palace first."

Ningmengyao's mood has something wrong. If Xiao Qifeng continues to force her, she may go berserk.

Xiao Qifeng glanced at Ning Mengyao's ugly face, and finally nodded helplessly: "I'll go back first. Mengyao, you have to think about it well. No matter what, some things will be faced sooner or later."

Ningmengyao is silent. Of course, she understands xiaoqifeng's meaning. He says that she knows that nangongyan has been looking for people for so many years. It's impossible to give up when she finds someone now. No matter whether she sees someone tomorrow or not, as long as she is here, nangongyan will definitely find someone. It's just the time. Whether she sees someone tomorrow or not, she will eventually meet.

After Xiao Qifeng left, Qiao Tianchang looked at Ning Mengyao and said, "if you don't want to be at home tomorrow, let's go out for fun or go back to Baishan village for two days."

Ning Mengyao was silent for a long time, and finally nodded, "OK."

She didn't want to see Nangong Yan before she was ready.

That night, Qiao Tianchang packed his things. The next morning, after the gate opened, he rode a horse and left the capital with Ning Mengyao.

When Xiao Qitian came with Nangong Yan, he was told that they were not at home.

The news made Nangong Yan, full of expectation and excitement, stupefied on the spot.

Lin Ziyou glanced at Xiao Qitian, but couldn't help but spread out his hand: "my sister-in-law was in a bit of a bad mood yesterday. The eldest brother planned to take her out for two days. My sister-in-law thought she would come back later. The Regent asked me to tell you and let you give her some time."

Nangong Yan nodded silently. If it was him, maybe he would make the same choice as Ning Mengyao. All these years, he was sorry for the child. She resisted to see him like this, which was also right. He was not qualified to complain about the child.