Although they don't live here now, they still eat a lot of food. Looking at the dishes in the kitchen, they don't need to prepare.

"Miss, you are back, or you will not go with your uncle?" The servant girl looked at Ning Mengyao and them.

"There's something else over there. We have to go back." She came back just to relax.

The little servant girl lowered her head.

Ning Mengyao smiled and said nothing, but handed her the dish: "take it out and wash it."

After waiting for the servant girl to go out, Ning Mengyao begins to prepare for something else, while Qiao Tianchang is on the one hand to fight for her.

Looking at Ning Mengyao's quick preparation of those dishes, Qiao Tianchang's eyes are full of laughter, which is also good occasionally.

When it was getting dark, Yang Zhu's family came. When Yang Yi heard that Ning Mengyao and his wife had come back, he would have come directly if he hadn't finished something else.

Hearing the sound, Ning Mengyao walked out of the kitchen, but before he could see the person clearly, a figure rushed towards her, and then he held her tightly.

"You scared me to death." This is Yang Lele who has come back for several days and is ready to leave.

Originally, she will leave tomorrow, but who knows that her brother said that Yao Yao had come home in the evening. If Yang Yi had not led her to say that Ning Mengyao had gone to Houshan, she would have come to see her at that time.

At that time, Ning Mengyao and Qiao Tianchang suddenly disappeared without any news. Later, Qingzhu and them left. She asked Qingzhu, but Qingzhu didn't say anything, just that they were OK and would come back later.

In the past few months, when she was doing things, she still thought about how Ning Mengyao and them were doing and whether there was anything wrong with them, so she never came back.

"I'm fine. Isn't this back?" Ningmengyao is helpless. She likes Yang Lele very much.

Yang Lele releases Ning Mengyao and looks at her seriously and says, "don't scare me like this in the future."

Ning Mengyao nodded seriously: "OK, I won't scare you in the future."

"That's about it."

Qiao tianchangzi came out with the food at the back, and watched Yang Lele holding her woman there crying, frowning slightly, with discontent on her face. What does this woman want to do?

"Well, let's talk slowly after dinner."


When the two families sat down together, Yang Zhi was particularly excited to see Ning Mengyao: "sister Mengyao."

Yang Lele reached out and knocked on his nephew: "if you want to call an aunt, you will have to call an elder sister." Call her auntie. Call her sister Mengyao. Isn't that nonsense?

Yang Zhi touched his head: "Auntie knows to bully me."

"You boy."

"Zhier, how are you doing in the school?" Ningmengyao waves to Yang Zhi and asks him to sit next to him. Seeing Yang Zhi's face, ningmengyao's eyes are full of tenderness.

If from time to time because of that accident, my child will be born soon.

"They are all fine, sir, but I still like what my aunt said." In the same content, although her meaning is the same as what she said, she is more easy to understand. Fortunately, his foundation is very solid, and it's easy to learn in school.

"That's good."

The joy of a meal is that Ning Mengyao takes good care of Yang Zhi and obviously likes him very much.

After dinner, Qiao Tianchang chats with Yang Yi and Ning Mengyao chats with Yang Lele and Yang Shi.

Picked up some things in the capital and told Yang Lele them. After hearing this, Yang Lele said discontentedly, "Why are the people there so bad? It's better to be in the village."

Ningmengyao thinks it's the same. It's better in the village.

"Don't go in the future. Provincial people bully you."

Ning Mengyao just smiled and didn't answer, she will come back, just not now.

The group talked until very late, and Yang Zhu and his family were back.

After they left, Ning Mengyao took a big breath of relief, went to the bath in the back of the room to wash early, lay on the bed, and looked at the top of the bed with both eyes, and did not know what she was thinking.