Qiao Tianchang washes well to come out and see what Ning Mengyao looks like in bed.

Go to reach for a hand to scoop a person into bosom: "what is thinking?"

Ningmengyao is frightened by Qiao Tianchang, and his subordinates hug his neck consciously.

"I want a child." Ningmengyao blinks at Qiao Tianchang. There were no children around before, so she doesn't feel it. But when she saw Yang Zhi today, the feeling came out in her heart. She wanted a child, a child belonging to their husband and wife.

Why doesn't Qiao Tianchang want a child? It's just that she was in poor health at the time before, and was injured by Gu Chong later. Qingshuang said that pregnancy was not good for her, so she always tried to use contraception, so for several months, they didn't have a child.


"Your body..."

"I'm fine. I just want a baby." Ningmengyao ignored Qiao Tianchang's arm and played coquettish.

She could feel that Qiao Tianchang also wanted to have children, but Qingshuang said that pregnancy was not good for her health, so he quietly asked Qingshuang to find the contraceptive.

Qiao Tianchang has no choice but to put his hand around Ning Mengyao. He doesn't want to have a child, but he is afraid that he will hurt Ning Mengyao's body after having a child.


"Well, I see." Qiao Tianchang had no choice but to compromise with Ning Mengyao.

Hearing Qiao Tianchang's promise, Ning Mengyao smiled: "Tianchang, you are the best."

Qiao Tianchang helplessly looks at the person on his body, and finally can't stand it. He directly puts the person down. Since he wants to have a child, how can he not act?

So that night, Qiao Tianchang tells Ning Mengyao how much he wants to have a child.

As a result, Ning Mengyao didn't wake up until noon the next day.

When she got up, Yang Lele had been waiting for her all morning: "Yao Yao, are you so sleepy?"

Ning Mengyao is embarrassed for a moment. He stares at Qiao Tianchang on the edge. Qiao Tianchang looks at her with a very innocent expression. She wants her own children, which has nothing to do with him.

Well, it doesn't matter. He was the one who was lured.

"Tired." Ning Mengyao said dryly.

"Well, you're right. I learned a lot there." Yang Lele talks to Ning Mengyao about things over there.

One said and one listened, and within a few moments, Ning Mengyao had understood Yang Lele's life thoroughly.

Yang Lele is also a gifted one, learning everything very fast. Now her embroidery is also a little famous. Some people even call her to embroider, which is the most exciting place for Yang Lele.

Two days later, Leian AI appeared at the gate of their yard.

See Lei An, Ning Mengyao Leng: "come in."

"Isn't sister-in-law in?" Ryan craned his neck and looked inside as if there was something terrible in it.

Ning Mengyao laughingly looks at Lei An: "is Tianchang so terrible?"

Ryan sighed heavily: "sister-in-law only you don't think the eldest brother is terrible. He is just a devil."

As soon as Joe Tianchang came back from the outside, he heard Ryan speak ill of him.

"I am a devil in your heart?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Ryan blew up completely, turned his head and looked at Qiao Tianchang warily: "I'm wrong, boss, really."

"Come on, what are you doing here?"

Lei An wanted to cry and looked at Qiao Tianchang: "these days, the Regent went to the general's office in the morning and left at night. It's like this every day."

"And then?"

"No more." Ryan said directly.

Although Nangong Yan didn't say anything, they could see that the loss on his face was more and more obvious. Maybe his sister-in-law would not go back.

Recently, the envoys of the state of Ling have also arrived. It's about the sister-in-law. We need the eldest brother and sister-in-law to come forward.

"To be honest."

"Well, the envoys of the state of Ling have arrived. The emperor said that this matter has something to do with his sister-in-law. He needs the eldest brother and his sister-in-law to come forward." When Ryan finished quickly, he began to step back.

He was afraid of being the cannon fodder for both of them.