Qiao Tianchang frowned. He had planned to take ningmengyao back when the envoys arrived. He just played here and forgot about it.

Ningmengyao also looked at Qiao Tianchang and completely forgot about it.

Reaching out and touching her nose, Ning Mengyao smiled awkwardly: "we seem to forget this."

Lei An's foot slipped, and she couldn't believe looking at Ning Mengyao. Someone there was in a hurry to get angry. She even forgot about it?

"Sister-in-law, you are a real hit." Ryan, who didn't know what to say, said dryly.

"Yao Yao?" Qiao Tianchang turns to look at Ning Mengyao, with apology and helplessness in his eyes.

Ning Mengyao smiled and said, "since this is the case, let's go back tomorrow."


"Well, I'll go back sooner or later. I'm fine." How could ningmengyao not know what Qiao Tianchang was worried about.

Since I have to face it sooner or later and have been away for so many days, now think about it. In fact, Nangong Yan may also be a victim. It's no big deal to listen to it.

So think, Ning Mengyao heart resistance is not so obvious, also willing to go back.

"Well, let's go tomorrow."

Ryan was a little relieved. This time he came here for this matter, and he kept thinking about what method he should use to let them go back. But now, his worries are superfluous.

In the afternoon, Yang Lele came over and saw lei'an with joy on his face: "brother lei'an, you are here too."

"It's Lele. I've come to find the eldest brother and sister-in-law about something." Lei An saw Yang Lele's face with a little smile.

Hearing this, Yang Lele was obviously disappointed.

Ning Mengyao's eyes wandered back and forth between the two people. Finally, he made a sound and embarrassed Yang Lele.

"Yao Yao, I'm leaving tomorrow." Yang Lele helplessly looks at Ning Mengyao. She has stayed for a few more days. There are still many things there. It is impossible to stay.

"We are going back to the capital tomorrow." Ning Mengyao thought about it, and told Yang Lele what they were going to do.

Yang Lele was stunned, then looked at Ning Mengyao, and finally said, "I know you will go. Take care of yourself."

"I know."

After a few words, Yang Lele left. When she left, Lei An looked at her back all the time, but no one could see her.

Ning Mengyao looks at lei'an like that and raises her eyebrows slightly. It seems that lei'an has no feelings for Yang Lele.

"I'll see if everyone's gone." Ning Mengyao's prank came to lei'an and said loudly in his ear.

Lei'an is scared by Ning Mengyao. He wants to cry and look at Ning Mengyao without tears. "My sister-in-law is scared to death."

"You like Lele?" Ning Mengyao asked directly.

Ning Mengyao asked so directly, let Lei An's face turn red, some embarrassed touch his nose: "well, but she may not like me."

"How do you know she doesn't like you?" Ning Mengyao looks at lei'an. Yang Lele's eyes are so obvious. He even thinks that people don't like it. What's his brain.

Lei An is silent and silent. Yang Lele has completely changed since he first met her. Now she is like Miss Qianjin, which makes him feel ashamed.

Ning Mengyao looks at lei'an speechless and says, "let's go slowly, boy."

Lei An didn't know why he took a look at Ning Mengyao. He saw that she had gone to one side. He wanted to ask and was embarrassed to ask. He could only watch Ning Mengyao go away.

"What do you mean, eldest brother or sister-in-law?"

"I think so." Qiao Tianchang didn't answer Ryan either. He turned around and left.

Ryan foolishly grabbed his head. He didn't know where he had provoked his two sons and daughters. He made them unwilling to tell him what he meant.

Looking at Lei An's silly appearance, Ning Mengyao shakes her head. It seems that this guy's pursuit of his wife will take a while.

"Ryan is very smart at ordinary times." How can people be stupid at the critical moment?