Seeing that she has made up her mind, Ning Mengyao is relieved: "let's go back. You will go tomorrow and have a good rest."

"Well, you too. I'll see you next time."


They went down the mountain together. Yang Lele went home directly. Looking at the figure where Yang Lele left, Ning Mengyao chuckled: "lei'an, lei'an, I can only help you so much."

When she got home, Lei An had left, which made Ning Mengyao speechless. Was she meddling?

But the next thing, it depends on their own development, which has nothing to do with her.

Ningmengyao stood at the door and looked at the peaceful little village outside, with a faint smile on her face.

That night, after Ning Mengyao fell asleep, Qiao Tianchang got up quietly, gave Jiang Quan a pile of paper, and talked with Jiang Quan in his study for about half an hour, then went back to his room.

In the early morning of the next morning, Ning Mengyao and his wife left.

After they left, Jiang Quan took out a piece of paper given by Qiao Tianchang, looked at the picture on it, and the smile on his face deepened. Then Miss Jiang would be very happy.

It's different from the leisure when they came here. When they went back, they were quick and took less than two days to get to the capital.

Looking at the city gate, Ning Mengyao's face was in a trance, less than half a month ago. She felt that she had not come here for a long time.

As soon as the couple returned to the general's mansion, nangongyan in the palace already knew.

"That's great. I'm back at last." For more than ten days, he was so worried that Ning Mengyao would not accept himself. Now that she is back, is that willing to accept?

Nangong Yan could not wait to go to the general's mansion of Zhenguo, but he saw the dark sky and suppressed his excitement. However, that night, he stayed up all night and went back and forth in his room, thinking of going to the general's mansion of Zhenguo at dawn.

Xiao Qifeng and others were relieved when they heard that people had come back.

At the beginning, it was OK. Nangong Yan didn't have much, but the more days later, Nangong Yan's face became more ugly, and he didn't stay in the general's office, but ran to the palace to find him.

Although he didn't do anything, he couldn't bear the burning eyes.

The next day, just after dawn, Nangong Yan went to the general's mansion with many precious gifts.

Looking at the man at the door, Lei An's head is full of black lines: "the Regent our wife is still resting."

"It doesn't matter. I can wait."

Originally, Ryan meant to let the Regent leave. Who knew that the Regent said it was ok?

Ryan's heart make complaints about it for a long time, and the door is a lesson. Can't you just drive people away? We can only take people to the main house and serve them carefully.

Nangong Yan sat from dawn until dawn. After drinking several cups of tea, Qiao Tianchang didn't wake up.

Looking at the already bright sky, Nangong Yan has no choice but to know whether he came too early or the two men got up too late.

Last night, the two people who slept very late woke up in Nangong Yan when they were really worried.

As soon as they got dressed and went out, they saw Ryan looking at them with tears in his eyes.

"What's that look in your eyes?" Qiao Tianchang looks at lei'an and frowns. Is this kid going out today without taking medicine or something?

Lei An looks at Qiao Tianchang's disgusted look: "the eldest Nangong Yan has been waiting here for more than two hours since dawn."

Ning Mengyao, who is having a meal, takes a look at Lei An and hears that. Instead, she doesn't want to see anyone.

Qiao Tianchang's eyes narrowed slightly and frowned a little dissatisfied: "what is he doing so early?"

It's really good to disturb people's dreams in such an early morning. Is it just that they really disturb your sleep? Obviously not.

Lei An looks at Qiao Tianchang and his wife, who don't want to see them at all: "boss, don't you go to see them?"

Qiao Tianchang didn't take care of Lei An. Instead, he looked at Ning Mengyao and said, "do you want to have a look?"