Ning Mengyao thought about it, and finally nodded and agreed: "go and have a look." People have been airing for so many days, and people have come so early. What else can I do without going to have a look?

Go to Ning Mengyao and look into her eyes: "you don't want to go, no one can force you, don't need to force yourself to do things you don't want to do."

Reaching for Qiao Tianchang's arm, Ning Mengyao smiles and shakes her head, saying that she is OK: "you also said that sooner or later, it is necessary to see, now or later is not all a matter of time?"

"Then let's go and have a look." Joe Tianchang is really ready to see her, laughing.

Lei An is speechless. Eldest brother, this is sister-in-law Jing's pet. Such things can be spoiled.

After Qiao Tianchang and his wife, they went to the front hall. When they got there, only Nangong Yan was there, and there were a lot of things on the table.

Hearing the footsteps outside, Nangong Yan subconsciously looks over and sees a woman in a light colored dress coming in with a man and two.

This is Ning Mengyao and his wife.

Nangong Yan's line of sight directly ignores Qiao Tianchang and puts it on Ning Mengyao. At that moment, Nangong Yan can be sure that she is really her own daughter.

as like as two peas, her eyes as like as two peas, four or five of them look like they are dead, and her face, nose and eyes are just like her mother.

Looking at Ning Mengyao's appearance, Nangong Yan's excited hands trembled slightly: "are you Ning Mengyao?"


Nangong Yan smiled: "it's really good, it's really good." Their children are still alive.

Looking at some incoherent Nangong Yan who was excited, Ning Mengyao didn't know what kind of feeling it was in her heart.

Nangong Yan looks at Ning Mengyao and excites: "can I talk to you alone, child?"

"Tianchang is my husband, he is not an outsider." Ningmengyao doesn't want to get along with him alone. It's better to call Qiao Tianchang.

Nangong Yan takes a look at Qiao Tianchang, and then looks at Ning Mengyao's non-negotiable look. He can only compromise and nod: "OK, you can be happy."

"You What are you doing here? "

Nangong Yan looked at Ning Mengyao's side face, still excited in his eyes, and with a sense of regret: "you probably already know something from Xiao Qifeng and them, so I'll tell you what happened at the beginning and why I didn't stay with ya'er later."

"Good." This is what she wants to know.

Nangong Yan said with a wry smile, "when I met your mother, she was as old as you. She was a very independent and independent girl."

When Nangong Yan met Xiao Chengya, he was twenty years old. When he was in high spirits, he was attracted when he saw Xiao Chengya who was traveling outside. At that time, she was very handsome in men's clothes.

They chatted very much almost as soon as they met each other. Later, they went around together to play and travel. In an accident, Nangong Yan knew that she was a woman, and she also knew that she was the Regent of the state of Ling.

At that time, he was attracted by Xiao Chengya, so no matter how she resisted, he still protected people under his wings, and slowly Xiao Chengya also accepted her, and the feelings between the two people increased at that time.

However, when I was traveling, I met the mausoleum emperor who was the prince at that time.

When he saw Xiao Chengya, the emperor fell in love with her almost at first sight, and even clearly robbed him of people. However, Xiao Chengya didn't like the emperor and felt that his purpose was too strong.

However, in order to get Xiao Chengya, the emperor led him away and drugged her. When she went back, Xiao Chengya's consciousness was already confused and almost destroyed in the hands of the emperor.

At that time, they had children. At that time, he was thinking about going to the state of Xiao to ask for marriage, but before he could make any move, he went back to the state of Ling, and Xiao Chengya also went back to the state of Xiao. Later, he was found pregnant.

In this case, Xiao Chengya was furious and forced to ask who Xiao Chengya was. Xiao Chengya didn't say that in order to make Xiao Chengya conform, the Emperor gave her one of her pursuers.

However, most people didn't expect that Xiao Chengya would take medicine to commit suicide with a few months' pregnancy when she was about to get married.