When Nangong Yan arrived to ask for marriage, he was told that Xiao Chengya was dead.

At that time, he almost used his troops for Xiao. Later, Emperor Xiao told him that Xiao Chengya just didn't want to wake up. He needed to find a mysterious doctor to save people.

When he found the doctor, he found that Xiao Chengya's body had disappeared.

At that time, I found Xiao for a long time, and almost turned it over. I even threatened Xiao Huang with the life and death of the people of Xiao, but I didn't get the news of Xiao Chengya.

Judging from the situation of emperor Xiao at that time, he did not know how Xiao Chengya suddenly disappeared.

After listening for a while, Ning Mengyao understood: "why didn't you find her?"

"Why didn't I find it? From then on, I began to look for it. At the beginning, I could clearly look for it in Xiaoguo, and then I found it in the dark. " Nangong Yan said bitterly.

How can he not find his wife and children who have disappeared? For more than ten years, there was no news, until some time ago, there was some news, but it turned out to be his daughter.

"You didn't want to give up?" Ning Mengyao thought of the information he had found. Nangong Yan had been looking for someone for ten years.

Nangong Yan shook his head and said, "I didn't want to find your mother and son, no matter when I found them." That's his wife. How could he let her wander outside like this?

"May I call you Yao er?" When Ning Mengyao wants to say something, Nangong Yan opens her mouth first and looks forward to seeing Ning Mengyao.

The expectation in his eyes made ningmengyao have no choice but to nod his head: "OK."

"When Yao'er sees you, I can be sure that you are the daughter of ya'er and me. You must be." When Nangong Yan said this, he was very excited.

Ning Mengyao looked at Nangong Yan in amazement: "why?"

"because as like as two peas in your mother's eyes," Isn't that the pair of eyes that attracted him?

Subconsciously reach out and touch his eyes, then look at Nangong Yan's appearance, know that he did not lie.

"Yao'er, I know it's hard for you to accept me for a while, but I can wait. I've waited for so many years. I don't care to wait any longer." Nangong Yan looked at ningmengyao and said earnestly.

Ningmengyao opens her mouth and wants to ask. You are not afraid to make mistakes, but when she sees nangongyan like that, she feels that she can't say such words.

"Have you found out about her?" Ning Mengyao doesn't want to turn around on this topic.

"I have heard that you were sent out from the Lord Xiao's mansion. I think 70% of your mother may be in the Lord Xiao's mansion." It's just that during this period of time here, he secretly looked for all the prince Xiao's residence, but no one was found.

Ningmengyao is stunned. It's also the residence of King Xiao. Why is it the residence of King Xiao.

"Why are you so sure?"

"At the beginning, Xiao Yilin's eyes were the same as mine, but they were brother and sister, so he didn't dare to say it. I think at that time, he probably took people away for his own sake, and I don't know how your mother is now." Nangong Yan's eyes are full of worries.

Xiao Chengya can give birth to her baby to show that she is still alive, just don't know how she is now and what happened in these years.

Ningmengyao frowned. She still felt strange about it. She shouldn't have.

"No way."


"If that's the case, Xiao Yilin can't marry someone else." And there are so many concubines in the palace.

Nangong Yan laughed sarcastically: "Yao'er, you can see Xiao and Lin too much. Power and status have always been something everyone yearns for."

"Then why don't you like it?" In order to find a person, I abandoned my high status.

Nangong Yan looks at Ning Mengyao and smiles: "if I don't have your mother and daughter, how about my status?"

Qiao Tianchang on the edge can understand the feeling of Nangong Yan very much. The height is too cold to be happy with the beloved.