Nangong Yan looks at Qiao Tianchang's thoughtful look, smiles and says, "you can understand if you ask Tianchang, he may understand me."

Ningmengyao blinks. It seems that Tianchang's identity is also high in Xiaoguo. Although it can't compare with nangongyan, it's only the person with the highest identity outside xiaoqifeng's brother.

Even if it's Lord Xiao, Qiao Tianchang will not salute when he sees him.

But if it wasn't for her being taken away by the Qiao family, and the child wasn't there, he wouldn't come back to the court.

"What about being in a high position? The higher you stand, the closer you are to the center of power. It's often not as bright as the surface. If you can choose, I'd rather live in seclusion with you in Baishan village all my life. " That place may not be the best, but he thinks it is.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang, without any doubt, but laughs.

Looking at her daughter now so happy, Nangong Yan's face with a relieved smile: "if your mother saw you now so happy, she would be very happy."

Ningmengyao turns to look at nangongyan. His face is happy and lost. Maybe it's because of xiaochengya.

Nangong Yan looked at Ning Mengyao and said, "it's the biggest comfort for me to find you in these years."


"It doesn't matter, as long as there is news, it can always be found." Finding his daughter gave him confidence, he thought, one day, he could find people, and then they would get together.

Ningmengyao looks at nangongyan and suddenly feels sad. She doesn't know how nangongyan has come over these years. Her wife and children are unknown. She just looks for her. How many hopes and disappointments has he experienced in these years? Will have now just found her so satisfied appearance.

"Dad, I'll find it with you." Subconsciously, Ning Mengyao called that, which she thought would not.

Nangong Yan was stunned at first, then his eyes were full of ecstasy: "you What did you just call me? "

"You are my father, aren't you?" After calling out, it seems that it is not so hard to accept, Ning Mengyao said earnestly looking at Nangong Yan.

Nangong Yan nodded: "yes, you are my daughter, I am your father naturally."

At the moment, Nangong Yan is like a child. Seeing Ning Mengyao, her eyes are full of excitement: "can Yao Er make a few more calls?"

Ningmengyao knew nangongyan's psychology. He must be worried about gain and loss. He didn't believe it at all, so he called again.

I don't know when, Qiao Tianchang walked out, there were only Ning Mengyao's father and daughter in the room.

Standing outside, listening to the excited voice of Nangong Yan, Qiao Tianchang's mouth was slightly hooked.

Although ningmengyao had always resisted before, he thought that she also hoped to find her own parents.

Lei An stood beside Qiao Tianchang and looked at him: "eldest brother, I didn't expect that my sister-in-law should have such a noble identity."

"So?" No matter how noble Yao Yao's identity is, she is his wife. This will never change. No one can change it.

Ryan blinks. It's strange to shut up. She doesn't want to be bombarded.

Looking at Ryan, Qiao Tianchang raised his eyebrows: "if you can't speak, don't speak."

"Boss, I know it's wrong." Ryan wants to cry without tears. Why, he thinks the eldest brother is more terrible.

"Have the meal prepared." Qiao Tianchang listened to the voice that had been chatting inside, and his mouth was slightly hooked.


After a while, Ning Mengyao came out from the inside with some red eyes. He saw Qiao Tianchang standing outside: "how did Tianchang come out?"

Turning to look at ningmengyao, Qiao Tianchang's face with dissatisfaction: "look at your eyes, just like the little rabbit raised in Baishan village."

"You are the bunny."

"Well, I am. Don't cry. I feel sad." Reach out to wipe the tears from the corner of Ning Mengyao's eyes, Qiao Tianchang is very dissatisfied.

Ning Mengyao smiled and nodded: "well, I know, I won't cry."

"That's right."

Nangong Yan stands at the door and looks at their husband and wife. At that time, his relationship with ya'er was so good. It was just that things made people separate for so long.