Ningmengyao looks at nangongche and sees her face full of fear.

Go to, crouch down, look at the nangongche who fell on the ground: "I know that I had miscarriage before, but I ran to our house to toe high gas high people, what is the final end?"

Nangong Che's eyes were gradually stained with blood. He knew, of course, he knew.

when the Qiao family was provoking them, the people who went to the general residence of the town were all cut into skeletons. Qiao Zhenghong * s left and right hands were cut into human beings, and people were still alive. It is said that people are still in the mansion before the Qiao family, and no one knows whether they are alive or dead.

At that time, Qiao's family, two people were scared crazy. There were many nightmares, which showed their cruel means.

Ningmengyao looked at nangongche's face, which had been changing all the time. The corner of her mouth slightly raised: "why can't you see my life with peace for a few days?" If you want to come to her for trouble, do you dislike their husband and wife's peaceful life?

"What do you want to do?" Nangong Che was frightened by her calm tone, which made her tone unstable.

Ningmengyao's smile was bloodstained when he slightly raised his mouth. "What are you doing? What do you think? I know. It's your idea to take me back to lingguo, or the idea of Linghuang?"

Nangong moon on the edge has some bad premonition in her heart.

"No? It doesn't matter. I'll let you say it. " Then he put a pill with fragrance into nangongche's mouth.

"Cough, what did you give me?" Nangong Che kept picking his throat, trying to get the medicine out.

Ning Mengyao stood up and looked at nangongche: "you don't want to waste your energy. The medicine studied by Qingshuang is always ready to be changed at the entrance. As for its effect, I don't know. You are the first one to try. You should be honored."

Xiao Qitian looks at Ning Mengyao and says these calmly. Subconsciously, he rubs his arm. Why doesn't it feel so cold before winter?

In less than half a column of incense, nangongche screamed out.

All the people in the imperial study looked at nangongche subconsciously and took a breath of cool air.

How long is it? Nangongche's hands, face, and visible skin, like molting, tear apart, and there is not a drop of blood flowing out, layer by layer, until nangongche's skin becomes transparent, almost as long as a touch will break down.

However, by this time, nangongche had lost consciousness: "I am the prince of lingguo, Ning Mengyao and his father will not let you go."

"Hahaha, Prince of lingguo? Today, even if you are emperor Laozi, you must die. " Ningmengyao looks at nangongche coldly.

Maybe she is too good to bully, so these people come to bully her one by one.

Qiao Tianchang goes to Ning Mengyao's back and reaches out to hug her into his arms: "Yaoyao, you and me."

Ning Mengyao looks up and smiles at Qiao Tianchang. No matter what she becomes, she can see this man as long as she turns around, so she is satisfied, really.

Xiao Qitian has been used to it since he was uncomfortable. He comes to ningmengyao and looks at nangongche: "what's the next reaction?"

Ning Mengyao looks at Xiao Qitian and says, "do you want to know?"


"Or give you one?" Then he took out another pill.

Xiao Qitian keeps shaking his head. It's better for him not to touch such a thing. It's something that will kill people.

Ning Mengyao looked at Xiao Qitian like that and couldn't help laughing. She threw the pill in her hand into her mouth: "this is sugar bean." It's just a candy she doesn't have any business to do. Is she so afraid?

Xiao Qitian's face is black. She is playing with herself.

"You're kidding me." Xiao Qitian said gnashing his teeth.

Ningmengyao blinked and said innocently, "how do you know?"


"Ah..." When Xiao Qitian wanted to say something, nangongche, who had calmed down, screamed out.