The shrill voice made Xiao Qitian shrink his neck. It was really frightening.

However, he soon knew why. Because nangongche's skin was broken by blowing bullets, there were some small things under it.

And those little things are still alive. Through the nearly transparent skin, they can see that there are many things like small insects crawling under nangongche's skin.

Seeing this, Xiao Qitian stepped back carefully. As expected, he underestimated the abnormal degree of ningmengyao.

Ning Mengyao looks at everything in front of her, and the corners of her mouth are slightly hooked: "is it very painful?"

"Demon The witch. " Nangong Che listened to Ning Mengyao's words vaguely and said with clenched teeth.

Ningmengyao looks at nangongche in front of her with a smile like a flower, and her lips are taunting: "yes, I am a monster, but this is all forced by you." She didn't want to.

She never wanted to be the enemy of anyone, to develop tongbaozhai to this point, just to let her live wantonly.

But she found that it seems that the wanton life has gradually become more and more troublesome, especially after the identity of tongbaozhai has been exposed, many things have changed. These people look at her as if they have seen some rare treasure, which is full of predatory color.

In this case, what about her incarnation as a witch? As long as these troubles can be kept away from her, she is willing to wait.

Nangong Yan is sad to see her baby daughter like this. If she had found her daughter earlier, she would not have been hurt like this.

"Yao'er, it's useless to blame my father. It took so long to find you." Nangong Yan came to Ning Mengyao's side and said that he was very remorseful.

Ning Mengyao's cold heart becomes warm at this moment: "Dad, I don't blame you."

There are Qiao Tianchang, Nangong Yan, Mei Ruolin, Yang Lele's family, Xiao Qitian's friend. In fact, she has a lot. As for others, what do you do with her?

"Tianchang actually has a lot, I should be satisfied."

"Ning Mengyao, you will only make the world despise you." Nangongyue suddenly opens her mouth and looks at ningmengyao, who is totally different when she first saw her. Nangongyue has a slight difference in her heart. It's like this, which makes people feel sad.

"Hahaha, people despise it? No matter what they say behind their backs, what dare they say about me on the face of it? " It's not that Ning Mengyao is arrogant, but this is the fact that her rights and identity are doomed to no one dare say anything in front of her.

Nangong Yue is silent, because what Ning Mengyao said is right. No one dares to say something bad in front of her, even it's too late to make up for her.

"Ah, nangongyue, you killed me." Nangongche suddenly screamed out, holding his face.

The skin on his face was scratched by him, and the blood slowly flowed out of his face, which made the corners of Ning Mengyao's mouth slightly raised.

However, the location of the blood flow is very strange. After it flows to a certain place, it seems to be frozen, and it can no longer be separated.

Gradually, people around him found that the bloodstains on Xiao Qitian's face had formed a colorful red blood flower, which made people yearn for and fear and want to stay away.

"Do you know what flower it is?" Ningmengyao looks at the blood red flowers on nangongche's face.


"The flower of hell is called the other side." Ning Mengyao said in a cold voice.

That flower is the other side flower right, very beautiful but very sad words.

"The other side?"

"Well, there are flowers without leaves, there are leaves without words. It is said that it blooms on the river of the forgetful River in hell. It's a large red blood area, which is called the flower of the introduction." Ningmengyao used to like the other side flower very much. She even planted a large area of red, yellow, white in her residence despite the opposition of her family and Ling Luo. She only liked red.

The large piece of red looks like scarlet blood on the ground. It's really beautiful and desolate.

Xiao Qi's consciousness went to see nangongche, and found that when the flower on his face, which was called the other side, was full of flowers, nangongche's breath was gradually weak. When the flowers were in full bloom, nangongche's breath stopped at this moment, leaving only his face and hands with the extremely gorgeous flowers.