Looking at a person living in such a way to die in front of them, nangongyue and other people's hearts are cool, and seeing Ning Mengyao's eyes even with a little fear.

"Did you get this medicine? It's interesting. " After a while, Xiao Qitian finally asked back from the news that nangongche was dead.

Ning Mengyao shook his head gently: "I don't know. It's just a study of Qingshuang. It seems that Gu insects have been added in."

Recently, Qingshuang doesn't know what happened. She has a strong passion for insects. Every day when she's free, she drags Nanyu and two people to murmur together. If she doesn't know her purpose, she will think whether Qingshuang likes Nanyu.

Xiao Qitian swallows his saliva and decides to stay away from the little woman. It's too scary.

The envoys of lingguo looked at the dead Prince stupidly, and one of them jumped up suddenly: "emperor Xiao killed the prince of our country in front of us. You must give us an account."

Ningmengyao picked up her eyebrows and looked at the man who jumped out. She said lightly, "are you reminding me, calculating me, and making me almost become a killing machine?"

The voice of Sen Leng made the speaker's body stiff. He subconsciously looked at Ning Mengyao, saw her eyes without emotion, and sat on the ground in fear.

Sneer: "want to explain? Well, then there's no need to talk about it. " Ningmengyao went back to the chair and sat down, looking at nangongyue calmly: "but what will happen later, I don't know." Nangong Yue's face stiffened and glared at the speaker: "Mrs. Qiao wants more. It's really our fault. I'm really sorry."

At this time, it's not a matter of bowing or losing face. We should choose between face and survival. No matter who will choose the latter.

"But it seems that the envoys of your country don't think so," he said

Nangong month looked at the man with a face full of resentment on his side, and the expression on his face was not very good.

"Nangongyue, you can discuss with them whether you want to explain it to us or let us explain it to you." Ningmengyao looks at nangongyue lightly, and doesn't care at all. Those who hate to eat her.

When the state of mausoleum died, he looked at Nangong Yan: "regent, do you just watch her treat us like this?"

It's also the princess and the people of lingguo. It's just natural that they should do such a thing.

Nangong Yan looked at each other and said, "it seems that my king said before. If you hurt her, you have to come back. If you want to do anything, she will be happy."

Nangong Yue really wants to break off these people's brains at the moment. What's in them? Do they want the regent to fight against them? It's just beyond our control.

"We are willing to compensate the five cities of Xiaoguo." Finally, nangongyue said helplessly.

Now pay compensation to them, and he will get it back in the future.

Ning Mengyao looks at Xiao Qifeng and says, "you decide."

Xiao Qifeng nodded: "five seats connected with Xiao state."

Nangongyue's face changed. He knew which five cities Xiao Qifeng said were among the most prosperous in lingguo.

Looking at their non-negotiable appearance, Nangong Yue grins her teeth and nods, "OK."

Nangongyue wrote the National Certificate of ceding the city and sealed it with his seal, and handed it to Xiao Qifeng.

This incident seems to have come to an end here, but Ning Mengyao said at this time: "do you have any connection with Miao?"

"No." Nangong moon looks down and looks up again, with a light expression on her face.

Seeing him like this, Ning Mengyao's eyes narrowed slightly, and she looked at him with disapproval: "is that right?"

After nangongyue and his envoys left, Xiao Qifeng looked at Ning Mengyao and said, "that's all right?"

"The dog will jump the wall when he is in a hurry, and you are not curious about the deal between him and lingwuhou?" Think of Lingwu Hou, Ning Mengyao's eyes gradually become cold.

Xiao Qifeng breathed a smothering: "you won't be like even Lingwu Marquis