"Who knows? Don't you know then?" Ning Mengyao looks at Xiao Qifeng.

She knows some news that Xiao Qifeng and others didn't know, that is, lingwuhou has some small moves recently, and they have a great connection with nangongyue.

Now even if they don't agree to get these five cities, I'm afraid they can't even get them later.

Lingwuhou has already held a grudge against them. As long as nangongyue is used a little, it can get unexpected results.

"What do you mean?"

"Look at lingwuhou. There will be a good play soon." Ning Mengyao said meaningfully, but he didn't make it clear.


"Let's go, Yao Yao." Qiao Tianchang on the edge suddenly spoke.


"In that case, Ben and Yao left together." Nangong Yan leaves behind the couple.

Now he is not willing to go to the palace. He wants to get along with his daughter more.

Nangong Yue went back to Xinggong with a gloomy face, and drove all the people out. She looked at the front with a gloomy face: "Damn it." He has never been so slow, so embarrassed.

"Your Highness, shall we just let it go?" The people on the side also looked at nangongyue angrily, so they let the five cities out, they were not willing.

Nangong Yue stares at the speaker and says, "what else can I do without it? Do you want something wrong with mausoleum? "

In the past, Nangong Yue thought that tongbaozhai was in lingguo, which was of great benefit to them, but now he thought that tongbaozhai was just a sword around his neck, threatening their lives all the time.

After going back, he had to find a way to weaken tongbaozhai's influence in lingguo.

"But your highness..."

"How do they take it? I'll tell them how to spit it out then." When his things are so easy to take?

As soon as the following people listen, they immediately understand that they will not speak at the moment.

"In that case, when is your highness going to start?" That man is the military division beside nangongyue. His name is Baiqi.

Nangong month looked at Baiqi and said, "what should have been done by Lingwu Marquis?"

Bai Qi was stunned, and then understood the meaning of nangongyue: "my subordinates understand."

The people around looked at each other, wondering what they were talking about? I can't understand at all.

Lingluo has already known the identity of ningmengyao in lingwuhou mansion.

"Dad, what do you say? Yao'er, is she the daughter of the Regent of the state of Ling? How is this possible? " Ling Luo couldn't believe her eyes widened.

Once, Ning Mengyao's identity was high, just like a princess. When he was with her, those people would think that he was high.

After his rebirth, he was the beloved young master of the Houfu, and she was just an orphan without father or mother, which made him feel more superior than heartache.

But he didn't expect that she was not only the leader of tongbaozhai, but also the daughter of the Regent of lingguo.

Nangongyan's position of power is much bigger than lingwuhou's, but she is the superior princess.

Lingwuhou looked at his son and nodded helplessly: "it's true. Nangong Yan, the Regent, admitted it. If it's not confirmed, he can't say it in front of so many people."

Thinking of nangongyan, lingwuhou regretted that he couldn't do it. At the beginning, how could he fall in love with xiaozixuan and let Lingluo give up ningmengyao.

If it was Ning Mengyao who married Ling Luo, their status would be rising now, but it is impossible.

Lingluo's heart gap is beyond anyone's imagination, with regret in her eyes.

"Dad, I won't forget that. She's mine, only mine." Lingluo's eyes are full of madness.

Ningmengyao is his wife. He can't let her be with other men.

Looking at his son like this, lingwuhou was worried: "don't do anything stupid."

At the moment, Lingluo could not hear it. His eyes were full of the possession and plunder of ningmengyao: "no matter what, I will take her to my hands." Before, she had no identity, and they lost each other. Now she is as high as ever, so they are a couple, and no one can prevent them from being together.