Looking at Lingluo at the moment, Linghu is worried. Is his son really OK?

If Ning Mengyao hasn't married yet, they can fight for it. But now she is the general's wife.

"What if she gets married? Married people can be separated as well. " Lingluo said not to her mind.

When Lingwu Hou wanted to say something else, Lingluo left directly and didn't want to talk about it with him.

After returning to the yard, I saw Xiao Zixuan standing there, and Ling Luo's eyes flickered slightly. Then she said coldly, "I'll give you freedom, and you can leave from Lingwu Houfu."

The smile on Xiao Zixuan's face suddenly became stiff. She couldn't believe looking at Ling Luo: "what do you say? What do you mean, Lingluo? " He had not said such a thing before. Why did he say such a thing now?

"What are you crazy about?"

Lingluo's eyes narrowed slightly, and she didn't want to take care of Xiao Zixuan at all: "let's leave together, just say what you want."

Xiao Zixuan looked at Ling Luo like that, and her heart became very sad. Her eyes widened, and her eyes were full of disbelief: "Ling Luo, do you know what you are talking about?"

Ling Luo didn't speak, just looked at Xiao Zixuan quietly.

Xiao Zixuan laughed at herself: "I know. I thought we could go back to the past and be together all the time, but you have changed. For power, you can throw anything away, just like you threw away Ning Mengyao at the beginning."

Speaking of ningmengyao, Lingluo's face changed. He looked at Xiao Zixuan and said, "shut up."

Xiao Zixuan laughed: "why should I shut up? Speaking of your pain, right? You want to leave me, OK, what's your reason? Have I done anything wrong? "

Seven out of what she did not do, Ling Luo why he wanted to give himself to rest?

Ling Luo looked at Xiao Zixuan and said, "if I want to, do I need a reason?"

"Ha ha, Lingluo, do you think ningmengyao will come back to you when you do this? Don't think about it. " He didn't do that just to get Ning Mengyao back to him.

Think about it. Who is Ning Mengyao? She's not a lonely girl now. She's the daughter of the regent for many years. Think about how precious she is. What is Lingluo? He wants to let ningmengyao come back to him, can he come back to him?

"It has nothing to do with you."

Xiao Zixuan laughed and looked at Ling Luo sarcastically: "it really has nothing to do with me, but Ling Luo, want our mother and son to give way to her? Don't even think about it. If you want to quit me, ask my father and the king if they agree. "

When it comes to Wang Ye Xiao, Ling Luo's eyebrows are tight for Zhou Zhou. Seeing Xiao Zixuan's expression, it's also impatient: "you should pester him like this?"

"Entanglement? Who came to ask for marriage in the beginning? Now get what you want, see I'm useless, want to kick me off? Lingluo, what do you think I am? " Xiao Zixuan looked at Ling Luo hatefully. How could her life have been like this if she had not been cheated by this man's appearance?

Lingluo is a little impatient, but he also has too much fear of the Lord Xiao's house. His brow is tightly wrinkled. After thinking about it, he finally plans to go to Ning Mengyao. As long as she agrees to fight against the Lord Xiao's house together, he has no problem if he wants to stop Xiao Zixuan.

Just Ling Luo's idea is very good, but it's unrealistic.

Looking at Lingluo leaving in a hurry, Xiao Zixuan came back to the room with a bitter smile and looked at the baby's little face.

Hand gently stroked the child's cheek, Xiao Zixuan's face with stern and serious: "no matter what, mother will not let you all be robbed."

Lingluo left xiaozixuan and went to the general's mansion of the town. He wants to find you Mengyao.

He did not believe that the feelings between them for two generations could not compare with those of Joe Tianchang for only one or two years.

She did it just to make him regret, to make him angry.

Yes, it must be.

Ling Luo comforted himself constantly in his heart. When he arrived at the general's mansion, he went over: "I want to see your wife."

The gatekeeper glanced at Ling Luo and said, "please wait a moment. Let's go and report."