Ling Luo looked at Ning Mengyao's indifferent appearance, and he was furious: "Yao'er, can your feelings with him for a year or two be worth the memories between us?"

Ningmengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang with a crooked head and a happy smile on her face: "I can't feel the passage of time when I am with him. I feel like a day passes quickly and it seems like a long time. Do you know what Lingluo feels like?"

This feeling, once she did not understand, now she understands, perhaps this is the real love, the real life.

When everything comes to pass, it seems that we can't feel the passage of time. Everything is so natural.

Ling Luo looks at Ning Mengyao and says, "Yao'er, do you really think he is your favorite person?"

"Yes, he is the one I love most. Lingluo's memories between us have already become the past. You have your life, your wife and children, and I also have my husband. It's not that I can go back if I want to go back to the past." Don't say no first. Even if she can, she won't.

"What can't you do if you want to? As long as you open your mouth, I can leave Xiao Zixuan. As long as you want, you can leave with Qiao Tianchang. We can still be together. What's wrong with that? " Ling Luo looked at Ning Mengyao and said eagerly.

But Ning Mengyao looked at her with unbelievable eyes: "Lingluo, are you telling me a joke?"

Qiao Tianchang's face was very ugly. In front of him, he dared to let Yao Yao and him leave. He was just looking for death.

If it wasn't for Ning Mengyao to hold his hand and placate him silently, I'm afraid he would have already started.

"Is that a joke in your eyes?"

"That's right. It's a joke. Tianchang is so good that I can't abandon it. You let me get together with him and stay with you. Do you think you can give me more happiness than him?" Ning Mengyao looks at Ling Luo, his eyes full of ridicule.

Ling Luo looked at Ning Mengyao and said, "I can do whatever he can."

"Is it? He can give up this high position for me, can you? Can he wash my hands and make soup for me If you don't say anything else, these two things are incomparable to Lingluo.

Ling Luo has a gloomy face. After living in the world for so long, he has been used to his high position. How can he abandon it? Let alone cooking, it's impossible.

See Ling Luo that way, Ning Mengyao smile, smile very happy.

"Lingluo, do you know what I like to eat? Do you know what I like? You don't know that you let me stay with you today, just for the identity behind me, because these identities can make your status rise. "

The things in her hands can make people envious. Lingluo has such thoughts. She also understands that she has enough of such a life.


"Lingluo doesn't say how much you love me, but you love yourself more. If I were a lonely girl without anything, would you abandon the princess of the xiaowangfu and tell me this? No, you won't, because your heart is in the world. " Ning Mengyao looks at Ling Luo with complicated eyes.

Once in her eyes, Lingluo was the best partner, but after meeting Qiao Tianchang, she knew how stupid her thoughts were.

How can such a selfish person be a good partner?

Ling Luo stood up and looked at Ning Mengyao, who said these things calmly to him: "I will not give up, you will only be mine." Ling Luo looked at Ning Mengyao and said word by word.

Ning Mengyao smiled and didn't speak. Qiao Tianchang, on the other hand, couldn't bear it. He flashed to Lingluo and punched him in the face. Lingluo, who couldn't defend himself, flew out.

Looking down at Ling Luo who fell on the ground, "Ling Luo, who gives you the courage to run to my place and say these things? Yao Yao is my wife. Now she is and will be. It's you who abandoned her. Now you want to find her? It's not that easy. "