He abandoned Yao Yao when he didn't have a noble identity before. Now, Yao Yao's identity has changed. He came here and asked to be together. Who does he think he is?

Lingluo stood up and wiped his bloody mouth: "Joe Tianchang, you can't stop her. If she wants to, she can come back to me."

Ningmengyao's eyes were cold, and his eyes were full of murderous spirit: "Lingluo, if you dare to destroy my life, don't blame me for not showing affection, I will kill you, don't think I'm joking."


"Lingluo, a lot of things can't go back, don't have that idea, don't force me to kill you completely." Ningmengyao interrupts Lingluo's words, and is not willing to listen to him again.

Ling Luo can't believe looking at Ning Mengyao. When did she become like this?

"Green Xuan sees off."

"Ling Shizi, please." Qingxuan comes in from the outside and looks at Lingluo's eyes without concealing his disgust.

Such a person, still want to compare with their uncle? It's just beyond our control.

Lingluo looked at Qingxuan, frowning slightly, and always felt that these people were aiming at themselves.


"Lingshizi, miss is not what you can think of Xiao. Don't disturb miss's life again, or you will have a fight." It seems that some people will be transferred here. The flies saved will run here every day.

Lingluo looked at Lingluo coldly. A little bodyguard dared to talk to him like this. His eyes narrowed slightly, and finally went out in silence.

This account he remembered, as long as he got ningmengyao, these people are not let him deal with it?

At that time, he will let these people die.

Ning Mengyao looks at Ling Luo's back and frowns tightly: "don't be angry with Tianchang."

"I want to kill him." Said Joe Tianchang, gnashing his teeth.

As long as Ling Luo is dead, he can stop peeping into Ning Mengyao's mind.

Holding Qiao Tianchang's waist tightly, he looked up at him, with a light smile on his face: "don't be angry. It's not worth it to dirty his hands for him. Soon, the whole Lingwu Houfu will have its own consequences."

Joe Tianchang looked down at the little woman in his arms: "what news have you got?"

"Marquis Lingwu will cooperate with nangongyue to steal a secret order of Xiao Kingdom, which is related to the whole Xiao kingdom. According to the information I got, the secret order is in the Xiao palace." It is because of this that she will be so easy this time.

She is waiting here, waiting for nangongyue to catch herself.

Qiao Tianchang frowned. He knew that. Xiao Qifeng always wanted to get it back from the Lord Xiao's mansion, but he couldn't find an opportunity. It would be a good idea if he could take this opportunity to get it back.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, Lingwu Hou's ambition is big enough. You know, now Nangong Yue helps him. I'm afraid he has the intention of revolt. As long as they have this idea, they must be determined to get this secret order. If they can get this secret order, they will start from Xiao Zixuan." Xiao Zixuan is from the house of King Xiao.

As long as Xiao Zixuan's help, even the Lord Xiao's residence will be impacted.

If not all of them will be beheaded, many of them will probably die.

Qiao Tianchang nodded: "I told Qifeng about this, but I have to discuss with him how to do it. That secret order must not fall into the hands of others."

Ningmengyao nodded: "you go to discuss with him. If you need help, I'll talk to my father."


After Qiao Tianchang said a few words to Ning Mengyao, he went out of the general's mansion and entered the palace.

Xiao Qifeng, who was busy, heard that Qiao Tianchang was coming. He was surprised and called people in.

"Why do you have time?"

"Yao Yao gets the news that Marquis Lingwu wants to cooperate with Nangong Yue. They are trying to make the secret order idea of the Lord Xiao's mansion. You have a psychological preparation." As long as the plan is good this time, the secret order will surely come back to their hands.

Xiao Qifeng nodded: "I've got the news. I'm making arrangements. I'm just not sure if Xiao Zixuan will help Lingluo."