"It depends on Lingluo's performance, but other factors should be considered. If you need anything, Yao Yao can help you." Qiao Tianchang looked at Xiao Qifeng and said earnestly.

Xiao Qifeng nodded: "it's natural. Of course, I won't be polite to you."

Qiao Tianchang smiled, and they talked for a long time before Qiao Tianchang left.

Besides, Lingluo, after returning from the general's office of Zhenguo, his mind was full of the words of ningmengyao.

After returning to his study, Lingwu Hou was waiting there. Seeing Lingwu Hou in his study, Lingluo frowned slightly: "what's the matter with you, dad?"

Lingwuhou nodded, "well, dad has something to tell you."

Lingluo looked at his serious look strangely, and finally nodded and waved to let all the people in the dark leave. Then he sat opposite lingwuhou and said, "Dad, please tell me."

"Luo'er, let's take a moment to talk about ningmengyao. We have more important things to do now." Lingwuhou looked at Lingluo seriously. Lingluo had never seen such an expression.

The expression with a decisive taste, let him have a bad premonition.

"What do you mean, dad?"

"You also know that now the royal family has some precautions against our family. If we continue like this, our family will only die in their hands." Ling Wuhou said, looking at his son.

Ling Luo was silent and didn't speak. He knew that Xiao Qifeng and others had already begun to guard against them.

"Lol, we can only fight." Ling Wuhou looked at Ling Luo and said.

If they don't succeed, they will succeed. This is their last chance.

Ling Luo looks at Ling Wuhou in dismay: "what do you mean, dad?"

"Yes, there's an opportunity right now."

"Tell me, Dad." Ling Luo thought for a long time and finally nodded.

Only standing at the highest place of rights can we live with impunity and get what we want.

What Ling Luo didn't know, however, was that it was because of his current thoughts that he died completely.

In the study, the father and son talked for a long time. When Lingwu Hou came out, he had a satisfied smile on his face. In the study, Lingluo was still sitting on the chair with trance and determination in his eyes.

Get up and go to the bookshelf, take out all the pictures in it, and look at the people on it. Lingluo's face has a dangerous light. What he can't get won't let others get.

Take all the pictures to the window, light them with fire, and put them in the basin.

Looking at the smiling face inside, Lingluo's eyes became cold and even crazy.

After burning all the pictures related to Ning Mengyao in the study, Ling Luo looked down at the ashes in that basin, his face was twisted and cruel.

Turn around and go out, close the door, and then go to Xiao Zixuan's yard.

When he got there, he stood at the door and looked at the yard. Xiao Zixuan was playing with the six or seven month old child. The child was babbling, and Xiao Zixuan was looking at the child.

This warm scene makes Lingluo's eyes slightly trance.

Once he had fantasized about such a scene many times. He thought that he and Ning Mengyao would have several children, making a swing in the yard. He pushed the children to swing, and she sewed clothes for them at the same time.

However, all this turned into a bubble, but in the woman he hated, he saw the warmth.

"My dear, I want to grow up." Xiao Zixuan didn't know Ling Luo was at the door. She looked at the child who kept shouting at her and coaxed her softly.

Lingluo subconsciously goes to Xiao Zixuan's back and holds her from behind.

The sudden embrace scared Xiao Zixuan almost threw the child out of her hand.

Feeling the familiar breath, Xiao Zixuan frowned tightly. What did this man want to do?


"Let me hold you for a while." Ling Luo buried her head in Xiao Zixuan's shoulder and whispered.

Xiao Zixuan frowns, wants to resist, but finally acquiesces to her behavior like this. She can only be held by him in silence.