After a long time, Ling Luo let go of Xiao Zixuan and reached for the baby in her arms.

The child didn't recognize him either. He looked at him with a pair of black eyes. His little head was slightly askew. It had a face similar to his. Lingluo liked it very much.

The child is fat and white. It can be seen that she is well cared for by Xiao Zixuan.

"You What's the matter? " This kind of Lingluo made Xiao Zixuan a little uncomfortable.

Before that, he said that he would give up her, but in a flash, she became like this again, which made her a little confused. Which is the real her?

Lingluo's face with a light smile: "nothing but think through something."


"I once thought that I would have some children with Ning Mengyao, and then I and her took the children to play in the yard. At that time, I thought a lot." Lingluo's face was self mocking at the thought of that time.

Xiao Zixuan clenched her lips and listened to what he said he had done with Ning Mengyao. He was showing off to her. How happy he had been?

"I used to think that no matter what I did, she would come back to me at last, but today I found out that I was wrong, and the mistake was outrageous." Thinking of her murderous eyes, Ling Luo laughed at herself.

Before he knew it, he wanted to kill himself.


"Because I have changed, she has also changed, as she said, we have our own lives, time will not never be, we can not go back to the past, I want to destroy her, I can not get, others do not want to get." Lingluo lowered her head and didn't know what she was thinking.

Xiao Zixuan sat quietly aside and didn't disturb him. It seemed that she was waiting for him to talk.

"But just now when I was standing at the door and saw you playing with your children, I thought about what I thought. Maybe this is the life I want." They have long been separated by an insurmountable gap.

Xiao Zixuan looks at Ling Luo in amazement. What does he mean?

"You What do you mean? "

"I want to live with you and our children, just like this." Ling Luo looked at Xiao Zixuan and said seriously, "I didn't like you before. I thought you had destroyed the happiness between me and her. But now think about it, it's me who destroyed the happiness. What's the relationship with you?"

It's him who makes the choice. How can he put it all on Xiao Zixuan.

Xiao Zixuan can't really say what she feels in her heart now, but she knows that she is complicated at the moment and doesn't know what kind of emotion to use to respond to Lingluo's current feelings.

I don't even know if he just said it to make her happy.

Before, she wanted to let ningmengyao die, even later, she didn't want to let her go.

But then something happened to her child, which made her think of ningmengyao. Her child was just sick. She was so worried, but she killed ningmengyao's child who was still in the womb. How painful was she?

Perhaps because of this, there is no hatred for Ning Mengyao. In the end, she is the one who interferes with other people's feelings. But Ning Mengyao left at the very beginning. She just lived a simple life and never wanted to fight with her. She just couldn't help it.

Ling Luo looked at Xiao Zixuan and saw her eyes looking at herself with complicated eyes: "I know you don't believe me."

"I don't believe it, because I don't know if you just lied to me." Lingluo's words she didn't know whether to believe or not, but when she heard him say these words, her heart was excited. She knew that she wanted to support their children with Lingluo, no matter how he would grow up.

Ling Luo put the child in Xiao Zixuan's arms, reached out to hold her mother and son in her arms, and said softly, "believe me again, OK?"

Xiao Zixuan looks at Ling Luo and looks seriously. She nods after a long time. She wants to gamble once. If she wins, she will gain happiness. If she loses, she will not be hurt again.