Go out to see Xiao Qitian outside, Ning Mengyao a Zheng, then clear, probably is Tianchang called it.

"Well, Mengyao, tell me what you think." Xiao Qitian looked at Ning Mengyao and said eagerly.

Ningmengyao went to Qiao Tianchang's side and sat down. After drinking the water on the table, he said: "this can be used to join the situation."

"Join? What does that mean? " Strange words, let Xiao Qitian's eyes full of confusion.

"We just need to build a few bigger shops in a few bigger cities. As long as the business is good, some people can definitely find business opportunities. If some people want to cooperate, they can give them some money. Then we can help them get the goods, charge them a certain fee, and help them to do the decoration..." Ning Mengyao tells Xiao Qitian the situation of the franchise store in the past.

This is the first time Xiao Qitian has heard of such a method. If the effect is feasible, then they will be able to open stores in every country without spending a lot of energy, and the revenue will certainly be high.

Think of this Xiao Qitian nodded: "but if so, we need to build a production place, otherwise there are not so many goods."

"I know that, so I plan to build a production base, in the same place, in different categories, clothes, toys and so on." In considering this, Ning Mengyao has already thought of this problem.

Xiao Qitian smiled and nodded, "OK, it doesn't matter if you spend some time. Where are you going to build it?"

"Baishan village." Ning Mengyao opens her mouth without thinking.

They will come back to that place sooner or later. It's not difficult to drive the economy of that place.

Xiao Qitian was stunned, then looked at Ning Mengyao: "are you still going back?"

Ningmengyao smiled and nodded: "well, I still like that side. I'm not used to this side." Thinking of everything here, Ning Mengyao sighed. No matter what, it's more comfortable there.

"Well, then you decide how much, you say."

"One hundred thousand Liang, I'll give you 30% profit." Ning Mengyao thought about it and spoke directly.

"Well, I'll have it delivered tomorrow." One hundred thousand Liang, for Xiao Qitian, that's a drop in the bucket. It's not worth anything at all.

Seeing this, Ning Mengyao smiled with satisfaction: "this matter has been dealt with. The next step is to buy land, but not wasteland and dry land." After all, paddy fields are used to grow food.

"Don't worry about it, just leave it to me." As a prince of a country, it's better for him to show up.

Ning Mengyao thought about it and looked at the two men: "how are the soldiers who were injured in the battlefield now?"

Speaking of this, Joe Tianchang's mood was a little low. He said helplessly, "the day when they go back with injuries, the result can be imagined." No matter what a disabled person does, it will not be a good day, or even just enough to eat, but they have no way.

Xiao Qitian can help them, but not so much.

Ning Mengyao thought about it and looked at them. "I mean, as long as they are sincere, the family is simple, and there are not so many top-notch ones, you can let them come here."

"Do you want to?"

"We want to see the workshop. The large workshop must be guarded. When they come, they have something to do. As long as the family has a good temperament, they can also come. After all, there are a lot of people who need to come." Ning Mengyao told them what she thought.

Finally, Ning Mengyao also looked at Xiao Qitian: "you can go back to discuss with the emperor. If you can, you can contact with Tianchang about your former subordinates. I asked Qingzhu to deal with the problem of workshop construction. As for their injuries, let Qingshuang have a look. Qingshuang can't. I can ask Qingshuang to invite her master."

Thinking of Qingshuang's master, Ning Mengyao has a nostalgia on her face. The old man is really good to her. She really missed her for such a long time.

"OK, I'll go back and tell brother Huang at once."