Xiao Qitian's face was full of excitement. In this way, the life of the soldiers would be greatly improved and their self blame would be reduced.

We need to know that those soldiers who lived and died with them at that time are now injured and have to go back to live a life without food, which makes them very self reproach.

"Well, then you go." She didn't want to, because this Xiao Qifeng has what suspicion to them.

In fact, Ning Mengyao thinks about it more. After all, those who have followed Xiao Qifeng have been on the battlefield. Although they are subordinates, they are no different from their brothers in Xiao Qifeng's heart. They live and die for him. Apart from some subsidies, he can't bring them anything else. In his heart, he has been blaming himself.

Now Ning Mengyao helps him to solve the problem in his heart, which naturally makes him happy.

After a few words with Ning Mengyao, Xiao Qitian left in a hurry.

"Don't worry, Qifeng will agree." Of course, Qiao Tianchang knows what Ning Mengyao means. Although he doesn't think it's necessary, he doesn't say anything. It's no harm to be careful.

Ning Mengyao had a big smile on her face: "I know."

The next day, Xiao Qitian came again, this time not only him, but also Xiao Qifeng.

See Xiao Qifeng Ning Mengyao some accidents: "you have nothing to do?"

Xiao Qifeng said nothing: "I'm not so welcome?"

"That's not true. Shouldn't you be busy these days?" Lingwu Houfu's affairs should make him busy. However, it seems that this man is not very busy. On the contrary, he feels leisurely.

"It's very busy, but they haven't started yet. There's still time." Xiao Qifeng doesn't hide any of these things. Ning Mengyao knows that if he conceals them deliberately, it's his villain's heart.

Ning Mengyao shrugged her shoulders. "So what are you here for today?"

"What did you say to Qi Tian yesterday can really do for the wounded soldiers?" He is not interested in their business. It's OK to have Xiao Qitian. He cares more about this.

Ning Mengyao nodded, "yes." There are a lot of things she didn't do, and the tavern is now short of people. There are many people to ask for. It's better to give those wounded soldiers a chance than to find those who don't know their sexuality.

"I'm here to thank you on behalf of those soldiers." For Ning Mengyao, it may just be an unintentional act, but for those wounded soldiers, it can be said to be the kindness of saving lives.

"It's not necessary. We'll take what we need." Ning Mengyao said casually.

However, they understood that if it wasn't for Qiao Tianchang, she had many ways to find people, why did she have to have those wounded soldiers?

"Yao Yao thank you." Qiao Tianchang looks at the people around her with complicated eyes. She does too much for herself.

Ningmengyao's face is full of smiles: "we don't say thank you."

"Thank you very much." Qiao Tianchang nodded, and the smile on his face also increased.

Looking at all this, brother Xiao Qifeng and his brother are helpless. Can they take their feelings into consideration and show their love in front of them? Is that really good?

After Ning Mengyao said the number of people and requirements, Xiao Qifeng said, "I will ask people to investigate the personality problem, but what can I do if there are some excellent relatives?"

No, that kind of people can't help them improve their lives, right?

Ning Mengyao thought about it, and finally said, "I can let people teach them how to raise fish. We can buy all the fish and shrimps we raise. Besides this, we can also raise chickens and ducks." She can also buy all duck eggs, such as loose eggs and preserved eggs, which should be a good choice.

When Xiao Qifeng heard this, he immediately felt relieved. He would rather have the fish, shrimp and crabs raised in the fish pond of Mengyao's family, but ordinary people can't really raise them.

"So I can rest assured." Xiao Qifeng said with a smile.

"Then trouble the emperor." Ning Mengyao has a little smile on her face.

"Don't be so polite to me. Just call me by my name just like Tianchang." Xiao Qifeng didn't like ningmengyao's politeness. He directly contradicted.

Ning Mengyao smiled, but didn't say no.