Xiao Qifeng did a lot of things. He didn't stay here for long. After that, he left the general's office of Zhenguo, but Xiao Qitian stayed alone.

The three discussed some details again. Qiao Tianchang called lei'an and asked them to call all the soldiers who had returned home before. Then they would have a physical examination. When they were well, they would go to Baishan village.

Over there, after all, it will take time to build.

When Qiao Tianchang arranged these things, Ning Mengyao drew all the shapes needed by the house and gave them to Qingxuan: "Qingxuan is going to do it for you. You and uncle Jiang are going to watch the project construction."

"It's miss."

Xiao Qitian saw this: "Qingxuan, don't hurry up. I'll go after I get the title deed." From the meaning of Ning Mengyao, the land needed is not small, I'm afraid it needs some thought.

Qingxuan's eyes are on ningmengyao. Seeing ningmengyao nodding, he agrees.

Xiao Qitian is filled with grief and indignation. Is this man hating him?

"I'd better do something quickly. I can't wait to see the store open." Xiao Qitian said excitedly.

Ningmengyao nodded, in fact, she was not worried: "you are busy."

Qingxue looks at ningmengyao and suddenly says, "Miss, do you think we can open a grocery store? There are some snacks in it. "

Ning Mengyao looks at Qingxue and says, "do you want to do it?"

"Yes." Several nodded at the same time.

"Deal with it yourself." All the things she can make are given to them. Since she wants to open a shop, they can do it by their own eyes.

Qingxue's eyes are shining at ningmengyao: "that's how the lady decides."

"Well, I'll give you the money to open the shop. I'll make money for you and make you dowry and dowry."

Qingxuan, who was going to leave, stumbled under his feet and almost fell to the ground. Was he lying down and shot?

Qingxue, Qingzhu and others look at ningmengyao silently. Why do they suddenly say this? But it's really interesting to see Qingxuan's appearance like being struck by thunder.

Stare at the green snow of gloating, green Xuan stands calmly and turns to leave.

"Don't be embarrassed, either. If you have someone you like, you will get married. In fact, I think Qingshuang and Nanyu are very good." Ning Mengyao suddenly talked about some two people who are tired of being together every day recently.

Qingxue and them secretly smile with their mouths covered. Recently, they have come closer. But if they know that the young lady is free, how can they make fun of them? Think of this, green snow bad smile, looking forward to the expression of green frost.

I was studying the insect's Qingshuang with Nanyu. Suddenly I sneezed heavily, and then I continued to sneeze.

Eyebrows slightly wrinkled, Qingshuang heart doubt, is it infected with the cold?

Nanyu frowned at her: "are you ok?"

"It's OK. Maybe it's getting cold. Let's continue." Qingshuang shook his head and continued to study the insects in Nanyu's hands.

Nanyu squints at the green frost of the insect in her hand, and her eyes flash with thought.

"What are you thinking about Nanyu?" Qingshuang called Nanyu several times and didn't hear an answer. He reached out and shook in front of Nanyu.

Nanyu's face was cold, with a smile like expression.

"Nothing. Go on." Nanyu looks down at the insect in his hand. Seeing him like this, Qingshuang blinks and doesn't care. He continues to talk with Nanyu.

But later, what Nanyu saw was more Qingshuang than the insects in her hands.

"Do they still drill in the room every day to study the insects?" Ningmengyao asked after eating the stewed soup from mother-in-law Qin.

Qingxue nodded: "yes, the research is very serious. It's almost to the point of forgetting to eat or sleep."

Ningmengyao's eyes flashed a bad smile, called them Qingxue, and whispered something in their ears.

Qingxue looks at ningmengyao in amazement: "Miss, are you sure that Qingshuang will not retaliate?"

"She won't retaliate even if she retaliates." Ningmengyao waves her hand with indifference, completely ignoring Qingxue's twisted pretty face.