Qingxue bit her teeth and looked at ningmengyao. "Miss, I think I'll beat you."

"Qingxue, what did you just say?" Qiao Tianchang on the edge of the timely inserted, expression cold, look at the green snow eyes that call an ugly.

Qingxue's expression was stiff, and she shed a few noodles wide tears in her heart. Those who protect her baby can't hurt her, especially her father to be.

"I didn't say anything, sir. You heard me wrong." Qingxue calmly steps back and turns to leave.

After waiting for someone to leave, Qiao Tianchang reaches out his hand and scoops Ning Mengyao into his arms. "What's the bad idea?"

"Nothing. I just want to make the general's mansion happy." Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

Qiao Tianchang clearly looked at Ning Mengyao: "want to match them? Do you think so? "

"Of course, you can see that they are chatting like that. It's been a long time." Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

You know she asked Qingshuang before, don't she think Nanyu is boring? What does Qingshuang say? Oh, she said that Nanyu is very good and not so cold.

This shows that Nanyu island is different in front of Qingshuang. Today, it's just a test. If there is a real love between the two, she will directly decide the marriage. If there is no love, she will give up.

Qiao Tianchang reached out and pinched Ning Mengyao's cheek to show his punishment, but he didn't continue to say anything.

Qingxue lets people plot for a while, then suddenly a figure flies towards the house where they stay.

With a crash, the house vibrated. Not only that, the originally strong house even showed signs of collapse at this moment.

At the same time when the beam fell, Nanyu had quickly pulled the green frost on the side, held people in her arms and flashed out of the room at the fastest speed.

When they went out, they found a lot of people standing outside. Their eldest brother and sister-in-law, especially their sister-in-law, looked at him and the green frost in their arms.

Qingshuang didn't react. Under so many eyes, she realized later that she was in someone else's arms, and suddenly she was not calm.

His face turned red at once, and then he struggled out of the arms of Nanyu. He was just too anxious to step on the corner of his skirt and fell to the ground.

Nanyu frowned, and held Qingshuang's arm with eyes and hands, and once again dragged him into his arms.

"You let me go."

"Settle down." Nanyu frowns.

Qingshuang looks up and stares.

Ning Mengyao looked at the two people's affectionate look at each other and couldn't help but chuckle. Then he said to Qiao Tianchang, "Tianchang looks like the general's residence is going to have a wedding. Let's get ready."


When the couple finished speaking, they turned around and left. Qingxue and her wife followed, leaving two parties behind. Later, they didn't react.

"What did you mean by having a wedding just now?"

"I don't know. Go and ask." Nanyu frowned and felt that his sister-in-law was talking about the two of them, but it was impossible.


When the two returned to the main house, they hurried to see Ning Mengyao looking at them with strange eyes. No, they were holding hands.

Turn around and look at the hands they are holding together.

Qingshuang's face turns red with a brush.

"Do you like Qingshuang in Nanyu?" Ningmengyao didn't beat around the Bush and asked directly.

Nan Yu was stunned, then nodded, "I like it."

The blue frost, whose face was red, was even redder when he heard this.

Ningmengyao picked up her eyebrows, and her eyes fell on Qingshuang's face. She didn't like Nanyu for her performance.

"Qingshuang and Tianchang will prepare the wedding ceremony for you, don't you mind?" Ningmengyao looks at Qingshuang and asks earnestly.

Everyone, including Nanyu, looked at Qingshuang with a dozen pairs of eyes, which made her uncomfortable.

Although there was no expression on Nanyu's face, he was very nervous and afraid of Qingshuang's refusal.

"It's up to the young lady." Qingshuang doesn't know how to answer, but can only say so.

Hearing Qingshuang's words, Ning Mengyao was satisfied: "write to Grandpa five to let him come."