After staying in the study for a long time, Ling Luo put the painting away, then got up and went out to Xiao Zixuan's yard.

After arriving at Xiao Zixuan's, Lingluo's cold and gloomy expression suddenly became tender, and her eyes were full of laughter.

Xiao Zixuan saw Ling Luo come in, and her smile became more intense: "Luo, you are here."

"Well, are you good or not?" Looking at all the children sleeping in bed, Ling Luo's eyes were full of doting smiles.

"Yes, very well." Xiao Zixuan nods and tells Ling Luo not to tell her what happened today. It's mostly Xiao Zixuan talking and Ling Luo listening.

After Xiao Zixuan said something about it, Ling Luo said, "Xuaner, I have something to ask you."

Xiao Zixuan looked at Ling Luo doubtfully: "what's the matter?"

"There is one thing in Lord Xiao's mansion that is very important to me, so I think..." Lingluo's face was full of embarrassment. It seemed that she didn't want Xiao Zixuan to do the same thing for him as Xiao Wangfu.

Xiao Zixuan blinked, wondering, "what is it?" Recently, Lingluo's tenderness and consideration made her forget everything and believe that Lingluo really changed her mind. So when he said that, Xiao Zixuan didn't think much.

Ling Luo was relieved a little, then he said, "it's a token, on which are two intertwined dragons."

Xiao Zixuan thought carefully, then nodded: "I know that, but my father never showed it to me."


"I don't know. When I was a child, I took it out to play. When my father saw it, he scolded me." Think of this Xiao Zixuan frown, face with unhappy.

Ling Luo listened and his eyes narrowed: "is that very important to his father-in-law?"

Xiao Zixuan thought about it carefully: "it seems that it is very important for father to see it."

Lingluo sneers at the secret order about Xiao's fate. It's strange if he doesn't pay attention to it.

"Is that really important to you?" Xiao Zixuan looked at Ling Luo's frown and thought he was worried.

Ling Luo thought, or hesitated to nod: "yes."

"Then I'll find a way to bring it to you. You can give it back after you use it." Xiao Zixuan said it casually, while Ling Luo made an interesting smile.

Go back? After getting the hand, he didn't want to return it. When he got the hand, maybe only an idiot would return it.

"Good." Although the heart is so think, but Ling Luo still smiled and nodded.

Xiao Zixuan didn't see Lingluo's disdain and ridicule. Instead, she thought about how to get the token.

At the same time, after receiving Lingluo's order, Mingfang asked people to find a way to bribe the people in the general's mansion.

Just as he waited, the bribed man had come to Joe Tianchang's front.

"Today, general, someone gave me one hundred liang of silver. Let me find a way to add this thing to my wife's meal. After that, I will give another one hundred Liang to my servant." The servant handed the one hundred Liang and the paper bag to Qiao Tianchang.

Qiao Tianchang's eyes were cold, and he called Qingshuang.

"Look what's in it?"

Qingshuang takes over and sniffs it carefully. Her face changes greatly and her expression is gloomy and terrible: "my uncle is an abortion. If the young lady eats it, she will not be able to protect her baby for another day." Said Qingshuang, gnashing his teeth.

When the people on the edge heard it, their faces were ugly, especially Joe Tianchang's expression, gloomy and terrible.

"Boss..." Lin Zi looked at Qiao Tianchang's gloomy face worried.

"Find out who it is." Who in the world hates them so much and wants their children's life.

Ning Mengyao covers her stomach with her hands, and her eyes are full of cruel color. Whoever dares to hurt her child will die.

"I will protect you and your children." Qiao Tianchang kissed Ning Mengyao on the corner of her eyes.

Ning Mengyao nodded, "I believe you."

Lin Ziyou left and didn't come back. The next day, he came back with a face of pig liver color.

"What's the matter?"

"It's Lingluo's side."