Ningmengyao's movements were stiff. Looking at Lin Ziyou, the black in her eyes gradually became rich, which was what Ling Luo ordered.

How can Lingluo want her child's life? This is her baby. How can she be hurt?

"accurate information?"

"Accurate." Lin Ziyou nodded. He was worried about whether someone had framed him. After investigating more, he was sure that it was really related to Lingluo.

Ning Mengyao nodded: "I know."

Originally, she thought that she had made it clear that day, and heard that he was very good to Xiao Zixuan's mother and son. It should be over here, but unexpectedly, he would do such a thing.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao like that, frowns slightly, looks at the people around him and waves them back.

After they left, Qiao Tianchang reached out to hold Ning Mengyao: "what are you thinking?"

"How can he do it?" Ning Mengyao murmured, refusing to believe that the gentle man had become like this now.

Qiao Tianchang has a very strange feeling in his heart. That's since Lingluo came last time. He feels that there is something he doesn't know between Lingluo and ningmengyao, but he hasn't asked.

"Tianchang, let me tell you a story." Ningmengyao sighed, and then told Qiao Tianchang about her past life and this life with Ling Luo.

After speaking, she looked at Qiao Tianchang, who was full of fright. "Do you think it's strange?"

"It's just that I'm very grateful for Yao Yao." I'm glad she came here and became my wife.

Ning Mengyao was stunned and then smiled. The smile was different from the past, but there was something different. Qiao Tianchang could not tell.

Didn't tell Qiao Tianchang that it was because Ning Mengyao didn't dare to gamble, but she found that she was thinking too much.

"I used to think he was the best man, but now I find out that I'm blind, but he has integrated into the world." And she is still adhering to her own principles, so they are moving away from each other, and now they have become enemies.

Qiao Tianchang nodded with great respect: "he is not a person who can be entrusted for life."

"Do you want to tell me that you are the one who can be entrusted for life?" Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang with a strong smile in her eyes.

Qiao Tianchang raised his eyebrows: "isn't it?"


Later, Qiao Tianchang asked ningmengyao a lot of modern things. Ningmengyao told Qiao Tianchang one by one and what he had done in his previous life.

When I heard that ningmengyao was actually a wine taster in his previous life, I suddenly fell silent.

No wonder she has such a good amount of wine. At least he didn't see that the girl was drunk and could make so many delicious wine.

From her end, he knew that the wine taster had the most contact with wine. Maybe she had drunk more wine than he knew.

"Then this shop you want to open is also a former one?"

"Yes, there were many stores like this in those days. They could bathe their children, they could swim, and they had milk powder." Ning Mengyao told Qiao Tianchang all those things. At last, she said regretfully, "it's a pity that I don't know how to make milk powder, or I can get some."

Qiao Tianchang silently reached out his hand and rubbed Ning Mengyao's head: "it's time to be satisfied." He is not surprised at the scale of tongbaozhai now.

This girl is a business family and a genius in her previous life. She can naturally get mixed up in this place. Moreover, she is worried about being detected and hidden by Lingluo.

"Yes, it's time to be satisfied." Ning Mengyao smiles and nods.

In fact, she didn't have any great ambition. She just wanted to live a life with a little field in the farmer's spring. She could not live in the past, but had this chance in this life.

Follow this pet her, love her men, and their unborn children, a family of three, such a life must be great.

"Tianchang, I think we will go back to Baishan village in the future. When the child is older, we will take him to play around." Reading thousands of books is better than walking thousands of miles. Ning Mengyao still believes this.

After all, it's useful to look around and know that there are different cultural environments and different traditional cultures in different places.